The pics thread

Is it just me who finds these kind of Colonialist 'hey look what I found' type pictures amusing?

African_Pigmies_CNE-v1-p58-B.jpg it was just supposed to be a picture of a cute girl on a bike?
I'm alright with that, but I'd prefer she be naked or something.

It was supposed to be a pic of what initially appears to be a cute girl on a bike until you look harder and see what appears to be a flesh-coloured phallic protrusion juttung from her groinal region. Upon even further diagnosis it becomes apparent that the protrusion is in fact the bike seat, but by that time the pic has brought teh funnies and teh lulz and so forth (unless you happen to be a nit-picking joyless cunt who just has to be the one to point out the bleeding obvious to all and sundry).

In summary, fuck you.