The pics thread

Sorry to keep spamming this thread but I just uploaded a ton of pictures and thought some might be of interest


This is a cat pay ten bucks, sit in a big room where you can play with cat, and they bring you hot beverages.


Should be fun...and creative !!
The fascinating thing about Japan is that they're so fucking weird and insane in so many ways, yet still they're the most technologically advanced country on earth. The world laughs at them while being awestruck by them.
Point taken...though weird perverted machinery aside they still are pretty cool. You know they have fucking War Mechs hiding under the ocean waiting for their chance to take over the world. Granted, the Mechs will probably have used tampon torpedoes or something weird/disgusting/perverted of the sort.
You all think Japan is soooo modern and cutting-edge. It's REALLY not. The people keep it from becoming that way, Japanese people are hell-bent on being culturally stagnant despite all their cool inventions. While they have talking toilets and cat cafes and animated porn featuring babies and toddlers, they still do all their banking on paper, the ATMs close at 9 pm, and if you go anywhere outside the big cities you will be faced with squat toilets with no toilet paper.

Anyway, new setup ft. the new Metal Zone WAIF sent me :oops: :


Now have two contact mics, one I made in class and one I purchased ready-made...both attached to the same piece of sheet metal, and running through different pedals.