The pics thread

Oh is it? I don't actually know Chinese, but I've heard people who know Chinese griping about Japanese because in Japanese kanji have too many different meanings and readings. I stand corrected.

I don't know what hanging letters means.

Japanese is a stupid language and Japanese people are cool but their English education system blows, they learn from elementary school through high school but probably 90% of the population is non-functional outside Japan.
@ Kramp. I have to say I like your glasses, it's a good style and if there were 10 japanese women in a row and you'd had glasses and they wouldn't, then I'd recognize you.
Thank you Onder, your praise is as the Carpathian Mountains are to creating shadows over Transylvania. I wish to channel Buddy Holly and look like I am not mentally handicapped.

I'm also like 10 cm taller and probably 500 kg heavier than most Japanese women (being an AMURRRRICAN and all) so you could pick me out in a crowd no problem!
I can pick out Japanese women because my grandpa threw them into camps when I was younger.

Yeah that was in pretty poor taste; I sorry.

edit: Should I talk shit about the English instead?
I am American, so I learned English by speaking it as my first language. I work in Japan as an English teacher.

Asian languages work the way other languages work. As for the main East Asian languages, Chinese and Japanese share characters but the grammar is wildly different, Korean uses hangul letters and vocab derived from Chinese but the grammar is similar to Japanese.

Japanese has 2 "alphabets" and a system of several thousand kanji/Chinese characters. unlike Chinese where each character has one reading, in Japanese the same character can be read a whole bunch of different ways depending on context and placement in a word. It's a stupid language and I generally dislike the way it sounds.

How intriguing. I'm a linguist, so this kind of nerdy stuff is appealing to me.

I need to get me a teacher's diploma as well so I could educate the uncivilized nimcampoops here. Dunno, maybe next year. So far, I'm merely a multi-tasking clerk at an insurance agency, doubling as a freelance editor for a recording company that sends me recorded Kabbalah lectures from the USA to transcribe or printed out files of said transcriptions to correct.

Ah, you should see our office at the insurance agency. Whenever the boss is out on a meeting, the place becomes a kindergarten. We play hide and seek, "midget and giant", sing songs and the ultimate guessing game of "what the fuck is written here", making up funny alternatives on the double while trying to decipher the cryptic handwriting of many left-handed agents.
I can pick out Japanese women because my grandpa threw them into camps when I was younger.

Yeah that was in pretty poor taste; I sorry.

edit: Should I talk shit about the English instead?

Hahahaha fuck Japs for the hell they brought on the rest of Asia in the first half of the 20th century. I'm ethnically Korean (it says "Korea" on my US passport for birthplace) and I think Koreans are basically better than Japanese people on accounta they're better looking, taller, and do better in school/are better at English.

That said I went to the Atomic Bomb Museum in Nagasaki last weekend, and met this tiny old woman who survived the bombing. Let's just say I now feel a little bad about going "HUH HUH IT WAS A BLAST" when someone asks me how my trip was.
Sorry to keep spamming this thread but I just uploaded a ton of pictures and thought some might be of interest


Sharks for sale at Shimonoseki fish market, 5 US dollars a pop!


Whale steaks


Cherry blossoms!


Apparently this is what Dutch in Nagasaki ate 400 years ago...gross


Being a dumbass in Tokyo with a couple friends...guess which doesn't belong


This is a cat pay ten bucks, sit in a big room where you can play with cat, and they bring you hot beverages.


There are wacky Japanese for everything. My personal favorite are the train otakus, who just stand on the platforms photographing trains all day.

lol. I want to go there one of these days and check out the wackiness. A couple of my friends went recently and loved the place.