The pics thread

having pictures taken at shows is badass, it's always weird to see pictures or videos of something that you were doing after when you were so in the moment. Heres some from my band's most recent show (she didn't get any of our awesome wall of death sadly :erk: )


cool pics Hubster, and Enemy242 that is awesome!

The answer to all the riddles: don't you guys know about the big wave of Korean adoption in the 1980s?!
Yeah, I'm sure everyone cares...NOT

Hey Hubster, what was Dubai like aside from having cool buildings? Any interesting cultural things to do there?
When I went to Dubai 13 years ago it was still developing, roads weren't as big and there wasn't much to do there. My dad went there recently and he said, it's just got bars and night clubs every where and is catered for expats. There's very little to do culturally, but it's usually a point of transit before you move on to places like Egypt or Turkey for a holiday.
The Burj Dubai is one ridiculously tall building.

Burj Khalifa :)

Yeah, I'm sure everyone cares...NOT

Hey Hubster, what was Dubai like aside from having cool buildings? Any interesting cultural things to do there?

Tbh, not really. The place is only 30 odd years old or so. Aside from the obvious Muslim aspect, which in itself is far more liberal than that of the rest of the Muslim world (perhaps excluding Turkey), Dubai is really just an exhibition of mutated gluttonous capitalism.

That said, I do want to go back because there were things I didn't get to do. Like you though, I want to see more older cultural things like the gold and spice souks. Jumeirah Mosque was disappointing. It barely looks old and yet is meant to be a significant landmark.

When you've seen one city of skyscrapers and big shopping malls, you've seen them all.

It's definitey worth a look though.
Don't go alone (commonsense for any Muslim country). But as far as Muslim countries go, it's one of the safest. I went there for my sisters wedding.

There are many Western women walking around without hassles. Just be aware of what is and isn't acceptable, as ignorance of this is what gets non-Muslims into trouble.

e.g. wear respectable clothes, don't let your boobs hang out etc, don't take photos of women, don't be affectionate towards a partner in public, and so on. These look bad in print, but really, it's not that bad at all. It's simply an act of observing the respectful things you need to do in another culture. You're ethnic too as I am, so you know what I mean.

I really became aware of just how Islamophobic we are in the West, much of it is unwarranted. Not all Muslims are psychos like we think they are. Many of them are just as normal as us non-Muslims (that aside, I still strongly disagree with the sexist nature of their culture, but in Dubai the women have more rights than in other Muslim countries).
Don't think it's as much of an issue with the Sharia laws. Emirates has their HQ and apartments for their staff over there, and I know many of flight attendants don't really behave very well. They stay at the hotel that I work in the bar in, and I've got to cut them alot of the time because they're acting like complete retards. Apparently it's common.
Don't go alone (commonsense for any Muslim country). But as far as Muslim countries go, it's one of the safest. I went there for my sisters wedding.

There are many Western women walking around without hassles. Just be aware of what is and isn't acceptable, as ignorance of this is what gets non-Muslims into trouble.

e.g. wear respectable clothes, don't let your boobs hang out etc, don't take photos of women, don't be affectionate towards a partner in public, and so on. These look bad in print, but really, it's not that bad at all. It's simply an act of observing the respectful things you need to do in another culture. You're ethnic too as I am, so you know what I mean.

I really became aware of just how Islamophobic we are in the West, much of it is unwarranted. Not all Muslims are psychos like we think they are. Many of them are just as normal as us non-Muslims (that aside, I still strongly disagree with the sexist nature of their culture, but in Dubai the women have more rights than in other Muslim countries).

Muslims are just people, like any other religious demographic. I do not respect Sharia law as a legal system but I would obviously do whatever it took to be left alone/not upset people when visiting their country. Being a sensible and courteous traveler is always the better choice, but there is a big difference between that and being a total cultural relativist which I am (obviously) not.

Islamophobia in the West is really irritating to me as an American because so many stupid people cannot and do not care to differentiate between "brown people" and "terrorists." Especially after 9/11, I'd do something like go to Dunkin Donuts with friends and they'd see a brown family and go "OH LOOK TERRORISTS HUH HUH THEY'RE GONNA BLOW DD UP." That kind of attitude makes me sick.

As a female though I think any culture that encourages religious fervor and segregation of the sexes/inequality on such a large scale is, well, inferior to secular egalitarian cultures. Many men who are Arab or East Asian are completely retarded when it comes to taking care of themselves because they always have their moms or wives or whatever to do it for them. Where's the benefit in that?
I was aware this, but I don't understand all the reasons for it. I have a friend who was adopted out of Korea (along with her brother) back in that time. Did it have something to do with the Chun dictatorship?

I'm not sure to be honest. It was cheap and easy to adopt Korean babies back then, and Asian babies have been trendy accessories for the past couple decades.
Great, though I wouldn't consider it a "diet", just adopting healthier eating habits. I had baked chicken breast and pilaf for lunch and baked tilapia with a small garden salad, wild rice, and peas for supper. I did start off the day badly, however: eggs, bacon, and a bagel with neufchatel cheese.