The pics thread

I'm gonna stick with Kurt Cobain when he had the beard.

edit: @Vitor THANKS as if I don't hear that from my mom constantly. :p That is the color of my face, yes.
I'm gonna stick with Kurt Cobain when he had the beard.

Nah, not facial structure wise. Anyway why the fuck would you want to associate him with that loser when he's like a facial reincarnation of the greatest American author in history? It is his duty to grow a thick mustache in his late 30s, and then die shortly afterward under mysterious circumstances in Baltimore.
Poe appears to have an extremely weak chin and a bulbous nose. :/

I hate being tan. I carry parasols and slap on SPF 50 on any day when it's even close to sunny. I also use whitening creams. You're right Vitor, he likes me better pale because he thinks I'll get cancer if I am tan. LOL because I smoke.
well, tan or not, to go to the beach is always a good thing to do.

a pic of mine... yeah, with my toxido.

i'm the long hair one

Hahaha! Was that intentional Krow? You're lucky she didn't just go "nice try" and hop on over to Planned Parenthood.

What can I say, I've got my addictions. I'm getting kind of sick of it though. I don't smoke around Kurt/Edgar since he hates it and I always feel great after a couple days of not smoking. I'm also trying to do the "healthy eating" and "exercising more" thing, and it seems pretty counterproductive to pump my lungs full of carcinogenic shit. But as anyone who has ever been addicted to anything knows, it's tough when you have built it firmly into your daily schedule.

I think frequent/sloppy drunkenness is one of the most unattractive traits in men (and women) - you know, those people who get drunk all the time and brag about it. "OMG I WAS SOOO TANKED HURHURHUR" etc. That doesn't make you hardcore or cool - it just means you can't control yourself and are like a giant child.
I think frequent/sloppy drunkenness is one of the most unattractive traits in men (and women) - you know, those people who get drunk all the time and brag about it. "OMG I WAS SOOO TANKED HURHURHUR" etc. That doesn't make you hardcore or cool - it just means you can't control yourself and are like a giant child.

However, it does make you an elitest snob when you only get 'tanked' off of imports and micros. :headbang: For instance:


How can you say no to the voluptuous curves she has to offer?
you can replace "beer snobbery" with just about ANYTHING.

-piss drinking
-shit eating
-jackson pollock
-smoking herb