The pics thread

you can replace "beer snobbery" with just about ANYTHING.

-piss drinking
-shit eating
-jackson pollock
-smoking herb

You can replace any of those with:


Fine art. Stay thirsty my friends.
Nah, it wasnt intentional... although I make sure I tell her it was my plan when she says something about smoking.

You're a good (superior, even) man for sticking it out. Or maybe you actually have always wanted a son or daughter and I just know man-pigs.

What the heck is that purple shit?
What the heck is that purple shit?

The culmination of the Belgium contribution to the world, a fine line of fruit beers, perfected through the ages. Without beer snobbery, one would not have the benefit of such delectable liver destroying drinkables!
Just because I like Chimay doesn't mean I'm above Suntory Premium Malts or Kirin Lager, which can be purchased from vending machines for like 2 bucks.

A warning to those of you considering visiting Japan: DO NOT DRINK KIRIN STRONG SEVEN. It is not real beer (it's happoshu which gives the worst hangovers of any beverage in existence).

The post above mine is a travesty, a destructive factor in the high art known as 'brew'. I desire highly to visit Japan, but i will piss on their vending machine brews and Norse Rage until i get a fine Belgium or IPA or something of which the sun cannot penetrate.

Ugh i say to you ma`am, ugh!
A warning to those of you considering visiting Japan: DO NOT DRINK KIRIN STRONG SEVEN. It is not real beer (it's happoshu which gives the worst hangovers of any beverage in existence).

I'm assuming this is some kind of beer with sugar added.

And yes, sugary alcohol is hangover rape.
I do not like lambics at all. Fuck that crap. And yes, I am something of a beer snob. I imbibed a Fraoch Heather Ale and an Ommegang Hennepin tonight.
I'm assuming this is some kind of beer with sugar added.

And yes, sugary alcohol is hangover rape.

Not sugary, just low malt content. Some mix shochu.

Whatever they are, they're inferior to real beer and make you feel like death, so avoid them!
I don't like how golden lagers (or, if you prefer, pilsners) have fallen out of favor with beer snobs.
These beers, for example, totally dominate the fruity, frothy, creamy, and over-spiced swill beer snobs gush about:




And since this is the pics thread and not the beer thread, I will go back on topic with this picture:


Those are my adorable children.
No offense good sir, but the aforementioned beers fall nowhere within the limits of true beer snobbery. Enjoy what you enjoy but shat not on the fine macros and more obscure nature of the brews we 'snobs' tend to enjoy.