The pics thread


Person: it's uploading files after files...
why be polite, right ?

Me: that's not my problem

Person: alright, thanks moron.


fuck soulseek is awesome.

This is the only time have had fun on the internet in ages.
Goldman Sachs and Warren Buffet can apparently see into the future. They dumped BP stocks and bought NALCO stocks before the spill........coincidence?

I could see them having been informed of the spill before the press was, but I can't imagine why the spill would have been 'premeditated' in order to make a few investors some money.
I've already started hearing the conspiracy theories about the Deep Horizon explosion being intentional; those came about around the first week or two of the spill. They involve everything from the Iranians blowing up the rig to Obama and the environmental lobby plotting to kill offshore drilling. Buffet and Goldman Sachs theoretically being behind this event wouldn't surprise me either, the rich are always credited with having god-like power. Honestly, I don't buy any of it.
I've already started hearing the conspiracy theories about the Deep Horizon explosion being intentional; those came about around the first week or two of the spill. They involve everything from the Iranians blowing up the rig to Obama and the environmental lobby plotting to kill offshore drilling. Buffet and Goldman Sachs theoretically being behind this event wouldn't surprise me either, the rich are always credited with having god-like power. Honestly, I don't buy any of it.

There is a difference between being behind it, and being "in the know".

Edit: Lindsey Williams says it wasn't an intentional blow, but BP was trying to drill to a deeper depth than any other well (at least in the Americas), and they hit such a huge pocket of pressure that no safety device would have stopped it.

Just means that major investors knew BP was taking a huge chance drilling down to a oil "motherload", especially in the Gulf, as opposed to on land.
What is undeniably not an accident is the use of a "dispersent" that is 5 times more toxic than the oil it's being used against. Who the fuck approved that, and how did Warren Buffet know it would be?


we use a straight edge and a utility knife to cut out foam boards for posters and stuff at work.
The boards we were cutting were hard and tough to cut through.
and you have to put alot of pressure down on the straight edge so it doesnt slide, meaning your thumb gets worn out.
I decided to switch hands and cut with my right instead.
First cut slid off of the straight edge and went right across my finger. So much fucking blood. Should have taken pics, but I was busy trying to get shit to stop bleeding.

Guess I'll have to stick with cutting with my left.

oh, and we cut them out on a glass table.