The pics thread

A few graduation pictahz:

Me and my mom (yes I know she looks more like my sister)

Friends and girlfriend

Girlfriend and I

Me and a gorilla at the rainforest cafe
How did your school let you grow your hair that long? When i was in high school, every time i started to grow my hair, i would get notices from the principle that i should cut my hair or i'll be suspended and i was forced to get a haircut. What a shit school.
Your mom is hot.

Srontgorrth's Mom has got it goin' on,
She's all I want,
And I've waited for so long,
Valerie can't you see,
You're just not the female for me,
I know it might be wrong,
But I'm in love with Srontgorrth's Mom.
She just turned 39 (or 38? I'm not sure). My grandpa also looks pretty young for his age. I, on the other hand, look older then my age, but maybe that'll change in a decade or two.