The pics thread

Haha.. that's an 'average' house in India. Atleast up in my state of Punjab atleast. About everybody over the upper middle class owns something like that or bigger.

Exactly. And by upper middle class, he means the average Indian on the internet [more or less].

Not to deceive the rest of you, but Punjabis are rich as fuck.

Well yeah it's not like lavish or anything, I think it's just the architecture and materials that give it a ring of opulence to me. Brick, stone and non-boring designs aren't too common where I'm from.

Yeah that's true. It isn't exactly a "modern" kinda house either, many traditional materials and building styles. Weren't you supposed to come to Bangalore?
North Indian... Dosa... Something doesn't add up there! Do enlighten me.

Well, my dad's an accountant and mum is a professor. It's more to do with the fact that Indians go ape shit about building the dream house and spend way too much money on it/Indians save up like crazy until they retire. Also, real estate and labour is/was inexpensive to a large extent, in my part of India.
Same up here, atleast for the families without an elaborate business of any kind. Like yours.. or mine. Both my parents are professors. But we can't save.. we've spent like crazy. Even sold the piece of land we did have, but I won't get into that.

There's WAY WAY too many south indian outlets over here man. Heard of Sagar Ratna? There are about 2 'brances' just in my city, let alone the whole of punjab. There's this south Indian guy called 'Kuti' who built a south indian resturant here in the 1980s called Vrindavan. Excellent Dosas.. beats the hell out of Sagar Ratna's.

And for the record, I bet you can get paranthas over there too. ;)
Exactly. And by upper middle class, he means the average Indian on the internet [more or less].

Not to deceive the rest of you, but Punjabis are rich as fuck.

Yeah that's true. It isn't exactly a "modern" kinda house either, many traditional materials and building styles. Weren't you supposed to come to Bangalore?
Fuck you're from Bangalore? Lucky bastard. We never get one band to play up here. Not even old/retired/obscure-classic-jazz stuff. But then again, most punjabis are into Bhangra-ing drunk and being stupid.
There's WAY WAY too many south indian outlets over here man. Heard of Sagar Ratna? There are about 2 'brances' just in my city, let alone the whole of punjab. There's this south Indian guy called 'Kuti' who built a south indian resturant here in the 1980s called Vrindavan. Excellent Dosas.. beats the hell out of Sagar Ratna's.

And for the record, I bet you can get paranthas over there too. ;)

Which city do you live in? Yeah that's true, we have a lot of Punjabi food here. I absolutely love Sarson Ka Saag. I know that it might be the wrong time of the year, etc etc, but I had some saag paneer last afternoon and it was heavenly as fuck. But North Indian food is more famous all across the globe isn't it?

You really ought to eat the dosas in Bangalore, they own the crap out of those sour, thick, slimy Tamilian ones.

Fuck you're from Bangalore? Lucky bastard. We never get one band to play up here. Not even old/retired/obscure-classic-jazz stuff. But then again, most punjabis are into Bhangra-ing drunk and being stupid.

Lucky bastard indeed :D I relish the fact that I got to see Frank Gambale and Maurizio Colonna. We have a relatively decent, educated crowd here. However we also have loads of those God ka Lamb yaar, Biharis [couldn't resist the jab :D ]. Too many kids like that grim and kvlt LoG moshpit dumbfuck.
Well at least it makes the neighborhoods look more interesting. I hate all the suburban wastelands of cookie-cutter vinyl-sided houses we have in the U. I wonder what makes real estate so cheap there though, given the insane population density of India.

I reckon the real estate in Bombay is ridiculously high even for international standards, especially considering it's pathetic infrastructure and constant smell of shit. Generally, posh areas in most cities are very expensive. However, since the past 5 years or so, in Bangalore at least, there is a growing phenomenon of purchasing huge sites in good private developments at cheap rates, on the outskirts of the city. Hence my house is in the middle of nowhere. It has it's perks but causes me to ramble and rant on occasion, if you've remembered one of my rants. Basically, the population of the demographic into which Cryptal and I belong to, is barely dense and comparable to the situation of you guys. It's the poor people who have it very bad here.

Aren't you supposed to be starting school in the US soon?

Unless you were broke or an Indophile, it would be quite natural going to Europe. Yeap, I'll be starting school when the Fall term begins, so I've got about 2.5 months to go.
Which city do you live in? Yeah that's true, we have a lot of Punjabi food here. I absolutely love Sarson Ka Saag. I know that it might be the wrong time of the year, etc etc, but I had some saag paneer last afternoon and it was heavenly as fuck. But North Indian food is more famous all across the globe isn't it?
Yeah, that chicken tikka masala is UK's national dish or something. Its like the most popularly ordered dish in resturants in the entire united kingdom. Then there's other stuff too.

You really ought to eat the dosas in Bangalore, they own the crap out of those sour, thick, slimy Tamilian ones.
Yeah they even look healthier in the picture. :lol: Nice focus/off-focus effect on that picture by the way.

Lucky bastard indeed :D I relish the fact that I got to see Frank Gambale and Maurizio Colonna. We have a relatively decent, educated crowd here. However we also have loads of those God ka Lamb yaar, Biharis [couldn't resist the jab :D ]. Too many kids like that grim and kvlt LoG moshpit dumbfuck.
Yeah. Many intellectuals :)p) run to Bangalore for a reason.. good people there. But punjab's a 24/7 party though. You do get bored of it. Wish we got more acts over here, but oh well. I got to see Maiden in Delhi a couple of yours back. My first and only concert. Did you catch Porcupine Tree in IIT this year?
Yeah they even look healthier in the picture. :lol: Nice focus/off-focus effect on that picture by the way.

Wish we got more acts over here, but oh well. I got to see Maiden in Delhi a couple of yours back. My first and only concert. Did you catch Porcupine Tree in IIT this year?

I flicked that pic off the net :D I've seen virtually all concerts in Bangalore save that Lamb of God one. The first Maiden concert was legendary. I missed the PT concert because of exams :( I heard it was darned awesome.

Haha, I'm glad you understand. :)

What school are you going to?

Drexel University for a BS econ so that I can vaguely understand Cythraul's posts.

Ananth that house is really nice. Also, I don't see how anyone could object to drunkenly Bhangra-ing at weddings. I'm considering marrying someone from Punjab just so we can have a Bhangra wedding.