The pics thread

The age thing is pretty funny...she's a couple years older, but even up here where the age is 18 she gets carded and I don't.

Also, I am simply a large manly person, the descendant of a long line of large manly people, while she is a small yellow person, from a long line of small yellow people. It has caused some awkwardness but she is sturdier than she looks so it's all good.

And nineteen soon god damn it.
It's actually the room of the guy she sublet it from. Not that that makes any more sense, because he's French. It's fucking huge, covers the entire wall. That said, it's a nice flag so whatever. I like to think it's because he's hugely into 90s Swedish death metal.

Fucking bollocks. I'm older than waif and I look about 11. Life's a bitch.

I lol'd

Also, waif's chick = do not want. The utter epitome of an average looking Asian chick.

It's possible she just isn't very photogenic, but still I am happy you found someone.

If she starts acting funny for no reason towards you, she's probably going to dump you FYI
am i the only one not able to picture waif's terrible personality coming out of the grizzly adams in the picture?

He's actually very quiet and reserved in real life. He looks like a tough guy but he's actually one of the nicer people I've met.
I lol'd

Also, waif's chick = do not want. The utter epitome of an average looking Asian chick.

It's possible she just isn't very photogenic, but still I am happy you found someone.

If she starts acting funny for no reason towards you, she's probably going to dump you FYI

Way to be bitter and a complete dick about it you fucking drunk driving loser. Ugh. As if you could hold on to someone better looking.

Anyway WAIF shit and goddamn call me if you're ever single and/or just want to stick it in something yellow. Definitely #1 good looking UMF member. O_O