The pics thread

They're kind of apples and oranges I guess, with their only similarities being that they are mainland Chinese actresses who have broken into Hollywood in some capacity

edit: ok Gong Li > Zhang Ziyi >>>>>>>>>>>>> Lucy Liu and her cat face > Margaret Cho
What did I say that was surprising there? Just letting him know what could happen

I know this is the internet and all, and apparently nothing matters and there are no consequences, but telling a man to his face that you think his woman is ugly or average or whatever is really fucking shithouse, and I'd expect that sort of shit from retards like the heartbreak kid but I thought you were a tad better than that. And your little piece of worldly advice at the end just sounds like you being bitter and twisted with a mammoth chip on your shoulder because you got dumped.
I think peer pressure/cultural norms will make me grow a thick South Asian stache when I'm older. Then I'll be the viking badass of the brown world.
you could do with a bit of a haircut I think, just a bit.
Really? I just cut it a couple weeks ago...damn hair.
Probably won't get a haircut until right before I go home because I cba and hair gel makes it all good anyways.

I think peer pressure/cultural norms will make me grow a thick South Asian stache when I'm older. Then I'll be the viking badass of the brown world.

Just as long as it's good and thick and not a 70's porno/Borat mustache.