The pics thread


My dog smiling up big for the camera.

Some mates and myself after a Destroyer 666 gig,i'm the really drunk looking dude at the back flippin the birdie.
Well that's a given bro. :Smokin:

That owl is pretty badass looking, but I wouldn't want to own one. Owning a pet is like paying to take care of a retarded child imo.

I can understand some pets. Like dogs are fluffy and wonderful and they'll show you affection.

Cats I don't get. Cats just eat, sleep, try and kill you, and rape other cats.
If I wanted to have that in the house I'd just rent out some floor space to serial rapist. Atleast it'd feed itself.
You obviously haven't owned a cat then.

My cat listens better then any dog.

Yesterday I opened up the backdoor and she came running out of the woods inside.
Depends on the cat. Some will be super affectionate, come when you call them, play fetch, etc. Others are little more than lazy lions. Sleep, eat, bite you. It really depends on the cat. Males tend to be much more affectionate/loyal than female cats in my experience.
Tomcats that haven't been neutered are pretty amusing. We have one and it doesn't even meow it just makes grumbling noises. When strangers come in it stands at the step snarling at them as well.