The pics thread

My cat is pretty cool... he mostly keeps to himself... he doesnt need a whole lot of attention... other than hopping up on my bed with me sometimes or wanting a pet in the morning. Comparing a pet to a "retarded child" is in itself retarded, as yes, pets do need some attention, but as long as you've made them listen and set rules, (hell, this only really applies to a dog) they dont need a ton of care.
I just realised Barry Gibb, Kip Winger and my dad all looked the same at a certain point in their individual lives.
I really think that buffed out "guy" almost looks like he used to be a female (or the other way around) based on the ways his chest looks oddly likes boobs...

there's got to be some sort of transgender thing going on there
hmm good question,i'm sure there'd be some interviews floating around but i'm not sure.I've got an old Slayer Mag with a huge Rok interview that contains at least a half a dozen absolutely LOL moments,probably the funniest band in existence.Stories like when Hades smashed a fish on Dave Slaves head onstage and the spines of the fish got stuck in his head,Rok and Hades kicking front rowers in the teeth,so many funny stories,definately worth searching for.