The pics thread

only in certain places. I still sweat like a motherfucker, but I'm constantly putting chapstick on and I never had to prior to taking accutane
I never had acne but I have a sort of rash in my cheeks that makes them look pink and with slight scars and marks. That combined with my heart shaped face, and my small build, makes me look like I am fourteen unless I wear a ton of make up -_-

That dude Sam.... poor guy........ such a luck for disgrace
I took minocycline for acne, I've heard nightmares about isotretinoin (Accutane) and the depression it can cause in people with a proclivity to those feelings (hai there), so I opted not to go for it. I sometimes break out but I've been a lot clearer since finishing antibiotic therapy.
I was on Accutane for six months which cleared up my acne for a little while, but it came back to normality quickly enough. Many otc benzoyl peroxide creams later and I got an antibiotic + sulfur cream thing and it's actually clearing up decently well. I still have acne (my maternal grandfather had it in his 40's so it might not go away entirely for a while) but it has improved to the point I can focus on my large nose, small jaw, and lack of musculature when I feel like hating myself.
Sometimes I love myself, but I have to turn the lights down.

srsly. I like to turn off the lights in the bathroom but leave the ones in the bedroom on, so I get only dim incandescent light on my reflection. Then I move the medicine cabinet mirror for many minutes at a time, admiring my feminine beauty at many angels. With a nosejob and titjob I seriously think I could pass as a cute woman. Especially when I wake up and my hair is all curly and thrown back in a lesbian kind of way. With several ravaging years of puberty, however, now I'm starting to look a little butch.
I've taken tetracycline sporadically for about 2 years now, to no avail. It's generally not totally awful, but it can get pretty messy at times. It'll be a glorious day when I finally stop breaking out though, because it's pretty much the only thing stopping me from being absolutely flawless.
Jeez a lot of you took some serious shit for your acne.

In school a friend and myself had equally as bad skin. He went on Roaccutane, and I wanted to but my Mum wouldn't let me: I went to a naturopath instead, and ended up doing things like going on an acidfree diet for a year and cutting sugar out of my diet etc.

My friend STILL has side effects from the Roaccutane, and this is 15 or so years later. He still has deep scarring.

Me? I have NONE. No scars, no depression etc, nothing. My skin is actually better than it was before. Only difference was that my treatment took longer to fix my skin than his did.

//end little story with no actual moral.
I took minocycline for acne, I've heard nightmares about isotretinoin (Accutane) and the depression it can cause in people with a proclivity to those feelings (hai there), so I opted not to go for it. I sometimes break out but I've been a lot clearer since finishing antibiotic therapy.

i take minocycline as well, never had any side effects. i also use a couple over the counter face cleansers. overall my skin has been great lately, breakouts here and there but i chalk it up to shitty eating, being a teenager, and having enormous stress. one thing that i hate right now is pimples under facial hair...they're annoying, and weird. although no one can see them :p

also whenever i shave i break out like hell so i tend not to anymore
I used a topical cream for a little while there. I haven't had a breakout since I was 19 or so. I think using bar soap instead of scrubs is good for my face.