The pics thread

you look wu-tangish, babe!

The person I was talking about is the woman in the picture, not the photographer. She's an author, feminist and Sufi and says vague things that don't mean a great deal.
Yeah, I normally look down upon racism, but in the case of Turks I encourage it.
What I was annoyed about in the first place was the gay vagueness and pretence that feminist "cultural" women emanate..

I'm going to buy her book though.
Turk women, i fuck em in the eye. I fuckin' slap em. Layin' Turks to rest one day at a time. If you're a Turk I will make you fucking bleed. The hatred in my heart.
I feel the need for some balance. This lady is Turkish:


If she joins Al Qaida or dates someone in the Grey Wolves then I hate her, otherwise she's hot.