The pics thread

So what exactly are you doing to lose so much weight?
diet. so fucking important I want to cut my wrists.
I watch my calories and eat healthier and less.
for breakfast today I had a banana with peanutbutter
Then around 9:30 I had a Clif Builders Protein bar. (23 vitamins and minerals, and they taste great! (chocolate and peanutbutter))
For lunch I have a turkey sandwich, low calorie bread, low fat swiss cheese, and a 100 calorie pack of ranch corn nuts.
For dinner I usually go to my parents house and eat fairly healthy, lately we've been destroying cabbage and tons of vegetables. And whatever meat dad makes, chicken, burgers, whatever.
Dinner is the last thing I eat. No snacks late at night.

It sounds like im putting myself through hell, but its gotten so easy. I've disciplined myself like a fucking ninja master.

Like today for lunch, a customer at work brought in a TON of corndogs. I said fuck it and just ate my sandwich and shit. Its easy to turn down stuff like that.
Chocolate, donuts, whatever else is around at work. I just dont eat it.

And another important thing is exercise. I ride the crap out of my exercise bike. Tonight I was on it for 40 minutes.
I try to get at least 30 a night. When the weather is nice I ride my GT mountain bike. My legs are fucking tree trunks from all this riding. Rock hard! So much stronger

Dude, you are the fucking MAN. Awesome work there, keep it up :kickass:
I've lost around 15-20 pounds simply by not eating so fucking much. If I threw in a real diet and actual exercise I don't know what would happen.

Also, don't get too thin Krig. I've always felt that some people simply aren't themselves if they lose so much weight.
Holy shit Krig. Agreed you're still an asshole gun nut, but not a fat douchy gun nut. Way to buck the stereotype. Keep it up!
Last time I lost a lot of weight was roughly 3 years ago, when I was stressed out (over stupid shit) to the point of barely eating at all. Lost 20 lbs that year.

Awesome stuff, well done Krig! I wish I had that kind of discipline when it came to food. :lol:
It's not losing weight that's hard, it's staying slim. In most weight loss cases people whith a longer history of fatness tend to revert after 2-3 years, tops.

Not to rain on the parade though, just something to keep in mind going forward.
Anyway, this thread has gotten a little gay. I'll save the day!


