The pics thread

The FUCK do you know about Brocas Helm? :p

Was that supposed to be patronizing me or teasing me??

I know that I believe Defender of the Crown and Ghost History are stellar albums. Maybe you want me to know their entire discography and band evolution but I'm sorry I don't have time for that shit. All I really care about is the music.
Ghost History isn't an album you dumb whore.

You should know shit about a band that you like enough to put in your signature.
Well in Swizzlenuts' FTP it's listed as "Ghost History".

edit: Like I said, I haven't memorized their discography. I just have those two albums. Oh oops! Sorry I mean I have one album and one EP. Jesus Christ you guys are ridiculous. Get off your high horse JEAN PIERRE ABBOUD. You don't impress me.