The pics thread

Found a dead mouse in my back yard. I thought it would be good practice before I start painting roadkill. It was disgusting the poor thing smelled horrific and had maggots leaking out its belly.
i applaud you for being braver than I Susperia
i hate hate hate.....

...hate hate hate hate hate hate hate fucking hate rodents
i applaud you for being braver than I Susperia
i hate hate hate.....

...hate hate hate hate hate hate hate fucking hate rodents

Did something happen to make you hate them so much?

I love mice, especially the cute white kind. My brother is currently breeding them, he has three tanks. One for the male, and two for the females and their litters. Oh my god---the baby mice. OH my god they're so cute. They all huddle in a little ball under their little houses in their and when you lift up the houses they're all just snuggled in each others warmth with the mommy and it's just the most precious thing EVER!

However, I do hate maggots... I have a serious fear/disgust of maggots, that's partly why I did this. To get over that fear. Oh god they were disgusting.
^yea. my brother had a pet rat, it got loose, shit happened. it scared the crap out of me many a time. we ended up catching it, thank god. that rat almost killed me a few times, i swear it:lol: i just dont like them, something about their beady eyes the sounds they make, their mannerisms just bother me a lot

its weird because i love all kinds of weird animals other people generally dislike, but rodents...god if i see one i'll either try to kill it or run away squealing


*flame shield*