The pics thread

If she weren't famous, no one here would think she's super hot, because she isn't. She'd just be some ordinary blonde with a butter face. Just look at those pictures of her without her makeup on. She has the face of a man. Killer body, butter face. I still would obviously.
Butter face = she's hot, yeah, but her face...

In this case, there is absolutely nothing wrong with her face. The pictures aren't exactly mindblowing, because in the end nude pictures of attractive women are kind of what the internet does. But she is pretty damn hot.
Meh. Those pics will fit in with any amateur softcore porn. She's barely hot. I'd fuck her, but I'd also fuck every other woman that isn't related to me and doesn't look like a man.
Ok some pictures.

I decided to get a refreshing Snapple Peach Tea the other day and just so happened to look under the cap to see this "real fact". Of all the retarded facts they could have used, this one just had to be related to Hawaii. Really? Seriously? ugh...


Earlier today my brother and I picked up his new 18" wheels and some tires. We stopped at Discount Tire to get them mounted and balanced and since there was a 40 minute wait we decided to hit up the flea market right behind the tire store. Here's a picture of my car, Acura RSX, all modded out, a little more ricey than normal but it's all good. My car isn't exactly the most popular car in the world, so to see a little model car based on it was kind of cool.


From the same flea market, I found some Coca-Cola made in Mexico. I found this interesting because I just read an article earlier this week about how people were praising Mexican Coca-Cola over American made Coca-Cola because they use real sugar instead of corn syrup. Are they right? Fuck I dunno. This version tasted a tad sweeter and didn't seem to have that some bite that American coke had. But it was still really good and tasted like coke.

@ Ozz: I work with a /b/tard as well. Otherwise everyone there just uses the internet for FB and watching pr0n.
@King Rich: azucar = sugar. I don't get it, junk food the world over is generally better than American junk food. I mean, shit, that's what our society is built on. Asian junk food is even more processed than ours though.
And yeah, Scarlet Johansson is much hotter than any woman I've ever laid pipe on, even w/out makeup.

edit @ Dak: Funny cuz it's true.
One time I was buying music with my dad, and he pointed out this band name, and I said "that's for hipsters." He asked what one was, so I said "it's the kind of person that wears thick glasses, grows a beard, wears those weird little hats, dislikes everything mainstream, and only listens to vinyl." Right after I said it I noticed there was a guy in the vinyl section a few feet away who fit that exact description glaring at me.
I think you people need to realize that horn-rimmed glasses were around long before the term 'hipster'. I've worn several types throughout the years, because I have myopia & astigmatism. Call me a hipster and I'll fuckin' shoot you.