The pics thread


I was kind of a bad ass as a little kid.

Reminds me of the picture of me from when I was like 6, wearing some shades, a Russian / Jewish looking fur hat I'd got from the wardrobe and a holding a toy rifle. I'm not smiling in that picture though, I look really pissed off lol.
Oh my dear lord. Read this article you twats.

Again, that's not ME saying that. And that quote I pulled out is far, FAR more detailed in its description of the effects of smoking marijuana and the chemical properties of marijuana and cigarette smoke than some nutjob at the National Institue of Drug Abuse simply stating "marijuana smoke is bad mmmkay" and not even supporting their claims with scientific evidence.

You don't have to believe me, I really don't give a shit if you do, but don't call me a liar for citing information from credible sources that make your arguments look silly.

Here's the facts: No one has ever died from marijuana use. No one has ever been diagnosed with cancer from marijuana use (ironically, marijuana helps in riding of cancerous cells, who knew?!), no one has ever been attributed to respiratory ailments due to marijuana use. Again, that's not me making this shit up, that's just the way it is whether you want to believe me or not. The shit has been around for thousands of years and the only properties it has are good ones. I personally wouldn't smoke it everyday multiple times a day, but if you're smoking it moderately (a couple times a week), there's as close to zero risk involved as you can possibly get. Or you can do like Vimana said and get a vaporizing or make edibles and squash the risk to zero.

Anybody can pull articles to support a position. Here's one that I derived from the very link you provided. By the way, this Robert Melamede guy doesn't seem to have ever done anything in his entire life not related to marijuana, based on a quick google search. Maybe just an interesting observation, but still.

In many societies, marijuana is the second most commonly smoked substance after tobacco. While delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) is unique to marijuana and nicotine to tobacco, the smoke of marijuana, like that of tobacco, consists of a toxic mixture of gases and particulates, many of which are known to be harmful to the lung. Although far fewer marijuana than tobacco cigarettes are generally smoked on a daily basis, the pulmonary consequences of marijuana smoking may be magnified by the greater deposition of smoke particulates in the lung due to the differing manner in which marijuana is smoked. Whereas THC causes modest short-term bronchodilation, regular marijuana smoking produces a number of long-term pulmonary consequences, including chronic cough and sputum, histopathologic evidence of widespread airway inflammation and injury and immunohistochemical evidence of dysregulated growth of respiratory epithelial cells, that may be precursors to lung cancer. The THC in marijuana could contribute to some of these injurious changes through its ability to augment oxidative stress, cause mitochondrial dysfunction, and inhibit apoptosis. On the other hand, physiologic, clinical or epidemiologic evidence that marijuana smoking may lead to chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or respiratory cancer is limited and inconsistent. Habitual use of marijuana is also associated with abnormalities in the structure and function of alveolar macrophages, including impairment in microbial phagocytosis and killing that is associated with defective production of immunostimulatory cytokines and nitric oxide, thereby potentially predisposing to pulmonary infection. In view of the growing interest in medicinal marijuana, further epidemiologic studies are needed to clarify the true risks of regular marijuana smoking on respiratory health.

Hell, your very study cites the study that I mention, and regarding it, states that it "clearly demonstrat[es] cannabis smoke-induced cellular damage".

It also says that " low doses of THC may stimulate the growth of lung cancer cells in vitro".

I don't care enough to read more. But I think I've shown enough to make my point, which is that it's fallacious to use the current science either way, because all of it is far from conclusive, and it's widely noted that studies in this field are widely lacking, both quantitatively and qualitatively. To accept either position as fact because it supports the view that you'd like to be true is foolish, when it's very clear that the very people that carry out these studies agree that more needs to be done to reach actual conclusions, so to blindly accept that "the only properties it has are good ones" is foolish.
If that's the case, where are the bodies? Zero documentated cases of death or major illness in conjuction with marijuana inhaltion, zero. The shit has been around for thousands of years and a plethora of tests have been conducted on it. I don't buy the argument that "more research needs to be conducted," I think it's a load of shit. People don't say this about cigarettes, because we know they kill hundreds of thousands of people a year in this country alone. We now the effects of acid, heroin, cocain, meth, et al. But yet for whatever reason people claim to be "uncertain" or "not familiar" or "not convinced" of the effects of smoking marijuana. I think it's absolute and complete bullshit. So sure, I'm going to use links that explicitly articulate "my" case. That doesn't mean I won't read "the other side," but more often than not, whenever I read an article or a study that claims marijuana use is dangerous they always throw in stupid shit like further epidemiologic studies are needed to clarify the true risks of regular marijuana smoking on respiratory health. :lol: why?! /imo

edit: Don't get me wrong, if you're still not sure that's cool man. I totally respect your position of wanting to know all the facts so don't think I'm attacking you for doing so. Although, in the meantime I would highly recommend getting baked at least once so you knew what it's like (you're not going to die from one stone session haha). I just kind of look at this argument like I do creationism vs evolution. There's so much evidence against the creationist theory that it's really not much of an argument anymore imo.
Maybe someone will post some more Shitlime songs. Yeah, I know what you're all thinking. Awesome "turn of phrase"."Play on words". Shit-lime. It's like, Sub-lime, but, like, yeah. 'Cause it's shitty music, with a lime, Shit-lime.