The pics thread




To be honest, a lot of "studies" on marijuana are full of shit, either for it or against it. Or at least that's how they appear to me, because I see them trying to conclude "marijuana is bad" or "marijuana is harmless."

I'm no expert, but I doubt inhaling smoke can ever not damage the lungs. That's all I'm saying.
I read that study as well, and I recall that there were numerous dubious statements that left me thoroughly unconvinced. I tend to echo what you just said, "I'm no expert, but I doubt inhaling smoke can ever not damage the lungs". One interesting speculation made in the article about the study was that the potential harm done to the lungs as detected by breathalizer tests could have been neutralized by the way in which marijuana is generally inhaled, almost like a "practice" for the test. Of course, potential lung damage has nothing to do with the fact that getting high makes you temporarily retarded, during which time plenty of bad things can happen.

re: what you said Matt, the "retarded" part of getting high is certainly a concern, but individuals have different levels of judgment and ability to avoid making bad decisions. it's not quite fair to generalize that risk to the point of opposing anyone doing it.
I'm curious to know what bad decisions people supposedly make while high other than overeating.
Talking to random people on Facebook and telling them that their thoughts are the physical world.
The fact that it impairs your mental faculties (i.e. makes you "temporarily retarded") is enough to at least note that the risks of smoking it go beyond potential lung damage, and that a study insinuating that doing it moderately causes no damage shouldn't be construed as it being harmless. Sure, most people probably just eat, watch movies, listen to music, or whatever, but, as Ozzman said, taking a drive, or doing something else that may not be such a great idea when you're high, might not sound like such a bad idea sometimes, which can lead to "plenty of bad things". This is not a post advocating abstinence. I've stated more than enough times that I support it being legal.

durr hurr i smokes pot
The fact that it impairs your mental faculties (i.e. makes you "temporarily retarded") is enough to at least note that the risks of smoking it go beyond potential lung damage, and that a study insinuating that doing it moderately causes no damage shouldn't be construed as it being harmless. Sure, most people probably just eat, watch movies, listen to music, or whatever, but, as Ozzman said, taking a drive, or doing something else that may not be such a great idea when you're high, might not sound like such a bad idea sometimes, which can lead to "plenty of bad things". This is not a post advocating abstinence. I've stated more than enough times that I support it being legal.
I read that study as well, and I recall that there were numerous dubious statements that left me thoroughly unconvinced. I tend to echo what you just said, "I'm no expert, but I doubt inhaling smoke can ever not damage the lungs". One interesting speculation made in the article about the study was that the potential harm done to the lungs as detected by breathalizer tests could have been neutralized by the way in which marijuana is generally inhaled, almost like a "practice" for the test. Of course, potential lung damage has nothing to do with the fact that getting high makes you temporarily retarded, during which time plenty of bad things can happen.

Obviously, logic would deduce that inhaling the smoke of a burning plant probably has some bad shit in it. The main point I'm trying to express, however, is that putting cigarette smoke and marijuana smoke in the same sentence is ridiculous.

I think what you're forgetting is the self-healing properties the body contains throughout. Might marijuana smoke contain some sort of contaminants that could harm the body? Sure. But can and does the body cleanse itself of these bad contaminants? Most certainly. It's been evidenced with cigarette smokers. Within a short period of time after quitting smoking the human body goes through a cleansing cycle to remove all of the junk built up in one's lungs. And with moderate marijuana use, the body has time to heal itself from the bad stuff introduced into the lungs.

A good analogy is the how the human liver is capable of processing x amount of alcohol within an hour. Consumption of more than x within an hour begins intoxication and the efficiency of the liver to filter all the bad shit begins trending toward zero. Anything less than x and the liver has no problem processing the alcohol. However, the fact remains that alcohol is a considered a poison to the human body. That fact doesn't change regardless of the amount of consumption. However, if the amount of consumption remains within the threshold of the body's ability to filter out the bad properties and heal itself, there's no risk of long term damage that can be associated with consumption.

However, as Dak so astutely pointed out to me that I already knew but forgot about, there are alcoholic drinks that provide nutritional value to the human body and can improve it's functioning. It just needs to be used in moderation.

TL;DR: Marijuana use in moderation is not bad for you. There's no documentated evidence that proves there is on iota of negativity that results in moderate marijuana use. There's no documentated evidence that a human death has every be associated with prolonged marijuana use, ever, over thousands of years. Thems the facts jack.

You must have come up with that final sentence while high.


Driving a car

Wow, you're not as dumb as I thought you were. You learned from your mistakes!!

Btw, that might actually be false. There was a study I posted that mentioned high people might actually be safer drives than sober/drunk ones. It wasn't very conclusive but it got you thinking for sure.

The fact that it impairs your mental faculties (i.e. makes you "temporarily retarded") is enough to at least note that the risks of smoking it go beyond potential lung damage, and that a study insinuating that doing it moderately causes no damage shouldn't be construed as it being harmless. Sure, most people probably just eat, watch movies, listen to music, or whatever, but, as Ozzman said, taking a drive, or doing something else that may not be such a great idea when you're high, might not sound like such a bad idea sometimes, which can lead to "plenty of bad things". This is not a post advocating abstinence. I've stated more than enough times that I support it being legal.

You more than anyone right now needs to smoke some marijuana and analyze what it does to you.

The fact that you're saying it "impairs your mental faculties" is aboslutely, positively, 100% FALSE. Claiming it impairs you gives it a negative connotation which shouldn't be the case. What it does is enhance your mental faculties by putting you in a different cognitive state to the one you're "normally" in. Marijuana improves analytical thinking. It achieves new perspectives on different things like what's bothering you and how you can deal with it. It improves your senses such as taste, touch, and hearing (food tastes better, music sounds better, etc). It alleviates stress. It has healing properties for a plethora of ailments. And the list goes on, and on, and on, and on.

I mean, you say you think it should be legalized, but you never have anything remotely positive to say about marijuana even though you really have nothing to go on as far as evidence is concerned to support your claims, let alone experience in using it. You keep harping on the possibility of marijuana smoke being harmful to the lungs (even though there is zero documented evidence to support such a claim), and the fact that it puts you in a different mental state (which according to you is not good). You never seem to recognize that even if there is one bad thing with marijuana use, there a ton of good things with marijuana use. Obviously the risks and rewards should be properly weighed. But as far as we know now, there is no risk associated with marijuana use, only positive things.

edit: Oh, I also forgot to mention something about this charge: "The fact that it impairs your mental faculties (i.e. makes you "temporarily retarded") is enough to at least note that the risks of smoking it go beyond potential lung damage." I'm going to assume you mean that marijuana use might have detrimental effects on the body, perhaps the brain, due to its ability to alter your state of consciousness. And to that I respond with, there are receptors in your brain that are only activated by three molecules known to humans, one of which are plant cannabanoids such as THC. These receptors are called cannabinoid receptors (cannabanoid - cannabis, both naturally occuring...coincidence?).

Kind of hard to argue that there is some sort of detrimental property to THC when the human brain has specific receptors to break these specific molecules down. And speaking generally of marijuana, it's hard to argue that there's literally anything wrong with marijuana if you are to ingest it via edibles to get high. Which is one of the coolest things about marijuana, you don't even have to smoke the shit.