The pics thread

Tired of hitting the edit button so I'll make a new post.

The argument that marijuana should be frowned upon because you claim it's responsible for the bad judgment of others is nonsensical. All you're saying is stupid people do stupid things. Smart people know that driving under the influence of any substance is not a good idea. What you're implying is that since people are under this influence it's the fault of that substance for putting one in that altered state that resulted in those bad actions, which I completely disagree with.

Would you guys blame cars for causing road rage? Or how about blaming cheeseburgers for making people fat? Probably not right? The argument should be about the intelligence of the people and the decisions they make and not claiming guilt my association for these things such as marijuana, cars, and cheeseburgers.

edit: All of this talk about marijuana convinced me to roll a joint. This one's for you Dodens!

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Holy fucking shit, you responded to way, way more than I actually said, far more than I actually meant, and exponentially more than I actually feel. Obviously you have serious preconceived notions of how I feel marijuana. I'm not going to respond to rebuttals to claims that I've never made.

Have you ever not been high and watched people who are high? I have, and there's no way that you're going to tell me that marijuana can't make you do stupid things if you're not already a stupid person, based on these experiences. There are former friends that I no longer talk to partially because of their behavior while high out in the real world. Maybe you are projecting your own personal reactions to smoking it on every user. As several people have already noted, it impacts everybody differently. Apparently, or at least you think, it has great, magical effects on you, but there was certainly nothing magical about it from an outsider's perspective. I'm not a fan of watching otherwise intelligent people turn into blithering idiots, both in word and in deed. Your glowing idealization of marijuana is pretty clearly as biased as my focusing on the negative aspects, so kindly just leave me alone. You don't need to justify smoking to me.
The fact that you're saying it "impairs your mental faculties" is aboslutely, positively, 100% FALSE. Claiming it impairs you gives it a negative connotation which shouldn't be the case. What it does is enhance your mental faculties by putting you in a different cognitive state to the one you're "normally" in. Marijuana improves analytical thinking. It achieves new perspectives on different things like what's bothering you and how you can deal with it. It improves your senses such as taste, touch, and hearing (food tastes better, music sounds better, etc). It alleviates stress. It has healing properties for a plethora of ailments. And the list goes on, and on, and on, and on.

I agree with your diatribe against anti-marijuana laws; but I honestly think this might go a little too far. We can't afford to dismiss marijuana's negative effects altogether, just as we can't afford to dismiss the negative effects of alcohol, cholesterol, caffeine, etc.

I wouldn't classify marijuana's "enhancement" of mental faculties as an improvement, necessarily, when considering certain circumstances. Take driving a car, for instance; marijuana might actually enhance the senses, as you claim, but this could be disastrous for vehicle operators regardless of whether it diminishes one's faculties or enhances them. Human beings are naturally comfortable in their normal cognitive state, and we adapt to all situations and circumstances based on this natural state. Absorbing marijuana, even if it "enhances" our faculties, is potentially dangerous when driving a vehicle because it affects the relationship between mind and body and the facilitation of motor skills. The fact that we only have an indirect relationship to our vehicle via the steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, and gauges on the dashboard makes this even more dangerous.

As I said, I mostly agree with you; I think it should be legalized, and I think recreational use is fine. I do not think it should be used before or while operating a vehicle or machinery (not that it should be illegal to do so, merely one should choose not to). I've been in vehicles where high drivers have: ran red lights, swerved into oncoming traffic, been speeding, and closed their eyes for an extended period at the wheel.

So I don't agree that being high increases your abilities while driving a car. I think it alters the relationship between our mental faculties and our motor skills, which can throw off our judgment concerning depth, speed, time, etc.
Holy fucking shit, you responded to way, way more than I actually said, far more than I actually meant, and exponentially more than I actually feel. Obviously you have serious preconceived notions of how I feel marijuana. I'm not going to respond to rebuttals to claims that I've never made.

There are only so many view points people can have on marijuana. Considering you've never actually tried it it's hard for me to even take you seriously to be honest, but it's not hard to picture where your stance on the different issues associated with marijuana and the points I made. Granted, your opinion about its effects on people or yourself won't hold much water. You're seriously lacking any sort of scientific evidence to prove that it's dangerous in any way. But then again I could be wrong so why don't you clarify your beliefs based on what I said?

Have you ever not been high and watched people who are high? I have, and there's no way that you're going to tell me that marijuana can't make you do stupid things if you're not already a stupid person, based on these experiences. There are former friends that I no longer talk to partially because of their behavior while high out in the real world. Maybe you are projecting your own personal reactions to smoking it on every user. As several people have already noted, it impacts everybody differently. Apparently, or at least you think, it has great, magical effects on you, but there was certainly nothing magical about it from an outsider's perspective. I'm not a fan of watching otherwise intelligent people turn into blithering idiots, both in word and in deed. Your glowing idealization of marijuana is pretty clearly as biased as my focusing on the negative aspects, so kindly just leave me alone. You don't need to justify smoking to me.

What kind of silly question is that? Of course I've been around people who are high while I wasn't. The difference between your experiences and mine are that your friends are apparently dumbasses when they're high, whereas mine aren't. Your friends are probably shitheads while they're drunk too, mine aren't. None of my friends drive while intoxicated under any circumstance, and we all watch out for one another too. I find it extremely comical and yet somehow not surprising that you disowned some of your friends because of your refusal to even try marijuana while they seemed to act like blithering idiots. Doesn't sound like those were very good friends to begin with.

As for your claim that marijuana makes you do stupid things, again, you're looking the symptom not the disease. It is possible for someone to be intelligent while being a dumbass at the same time. I know quite a few people like this. And while these people are under the influence of substances their stupidity comes to the fore, which is another way of expressing who they truly are, because they are in fact stupid people who routinely do stupid things. Blaming alcohol or marijuana for someone wanting to start a fight or driving a car or eating too many cheeseburgers is the wrong way of looking at it.

I really can't believe you're using that type of an argument, "Well as a sober person marijuana makes you look stupid and say stupid things so therefore I think it is stupid and I will never try it." Yeah, well, dancing makes you look stupid too but it's fun as fuck, ESPECIALLY when you're high or drunk. Are you against all types of fun because it makes people look stupid? :lol: It's such a silly argument.

You just need to lighten the fuck up man, seriously. Far too often do you come off as the grumpy old guy in the room. I guarantee if you and I were hanging out and got high together, we'd have a great time and your entire perspective on this subject would completely change.

Sublime are awful.

Fuck off.

I agree with your diatribe against anti-marijuana laws; but I honestly think this might go a little too far. We can't afford to dismiss marijuana's negative effects altogether, just as we can't afford to dismiss the negative effects of alcohol, cholesterol, caffeine, etc.

I wouldn't classify marijuana's "enhancement" of mental faculties as an improvement, necessarily, when considering certain circumstances. Take driving a car, for instance; marijuana might actually enhance the senses, as you claim, but this could be disastrous for vehicle operators regardless of whether it diminishes one's faculties or enhances them. Human beings are naturally comfortable in their normal cognitive state, and we adapt to all situations and circumstances based on this natural state. Absorbing marijuana, even if it "enhances" our faculties, is potentially dangerous when driving a vehicle because it affects the relationship between mind and body and the facilitation of motor skills. The fact that we only have an indirect relationship to our vehicle via the steering wheel, gas and brake pedals, and gauges on the dashboard makes this even more dangerous.

As I said, I mostly agree with you; I think it should be legalized, and I think recreational use is fine. I do not think it should be used before or while operating a vehicle or machinery (not that it should be illegal to do so, merely one should choose not to). I've been in vehicles where high drivers have: ran red lights, swerved into oncoming traffic, been speeding, and closed their eyes for an extended period at the wheel.

So I don't agree that being high increases your abilities while driving a car. I think it alters the relationship between our mental faculties and our motor skills, which can throw off our judgment concerning depth, speed, time, etc.

Long posts require short retorts; I never said or agree with people getting behind the wheel of a vehicle under and substance. And I didn't mean that because marijuana enhances certain senses that driving while high will be ok because you'll have super senses and won't ever have an accident or something. It comes with experience really. I know most of the time when I get high I get really sleepy and my focus wonders quickly from one thing to another. I understand this while I'm sober and high, so I know it's stupid for me to try and drive somewhere when I'm high. That's what responsible, intelligent people do. And if you're a good friend you wouldn't let another friend act a fool.
I kind of agree with Pessimism. Growing up in Southern California, you're beat over the head with Sublime. It's cool when you're in middle school, but after a while it loses its luster and then you can't stand it
There are only so many view points people can have on marijuana. Considering you've never actually tried it it's hard for me to even take you seriously to be honest, but it's not hard to picture where your stance on the different issues associated with marijuana and the points I made. Granted, your opinion about its effects on people or yourself won't hold much water. You're seriously lacking any sort of scientific evidence to prove that it's dangerous in any way. But then again I could be wrong so why don't you clarify your beliefs based on what I said?

What kind of silly question is that? Of course I've been around people who are high while I wasn't. The difference between your experiences and mine are that your friends are apparently dumbasses when they're high, whereas mine aren't. Your friends are probably shitheads while they're drunk too, mine aren't. None of my friends drive while intoxicated under any circumstance, and we all watch out for one another too. I find it extremely comical and yet somehow not surprising that you disowned some of your friends because of your refusal to even try marijuana while they seemed to act like blithering idiots. Doesn't sound like those were very good friends to begin with.

As for your claim that marijuana makes you do stupid things, again, you're looking the symptom not the disease. It is possible for someone to be intelligent while being a dumbass at the same time. I know quite a few people like this. And while these people are under the influence of substances their stupidity comes to the fore, which is another way of expressing who they truly are, because they are in fact stupid people who routinely do stupid things. Blaming alcohol or marijuana for someone wanting to start a fight or driving a car or eating too many cheeseburgers is the wrong way of looking at it.

I really can't believe you're using that type of an argument, "Well as a sober person marijuana makes you look stupid and say stupid things so therefore I think it is stupid and I will never try it." Yeah, well, dancing makes you look stupid too but it's fun as fuck, ESPECIALLY when you're high or drunk. Are you against all types of fun because it makes people look stupid? :lol: It's such a silly argument.

You just need to lighten the fuck up man, seriously. Far too often do you come off as the grumpy old guy in the room. I guarantee if you and I were hanging out and got high together, we'd have a great time and your entire perspective on this subject would completely change.
edit: Since this is generally between us, I'd rather unburden this thread and finish this conversation on facebook sometime if you don't mind, so this is the last thing I'm going to respond to here from you.

I was kind of a bad ass as a little kid.
I think what you're forgetting is the self-healing properties the body contains throughout. Might marijuana smoke contain some sort of contaminants that could harm the body? Sure. But can and does the body cleanse itself of these bad contaminants? Most certainly. It's been evidenced with cigarette smokers. Within a short period of time after quitting smoking the human body goes through a cleansing cycle to remove all of the junk built up in one's lungs. And with moderate marijuana use, the body has time to heal itself from the bad stuff introduced into the lungs.

This is so ridiculously biased and ill-informed. You've obviously done some 'internet research' and come to your own conclusions to suit your own stance. "Might" marijuana smoke be harmful? Of course it fucking is, it's a carcinogen. Anything smoked WILL damage your lungs. It can take years for them to rejuvenate after quitting smoking. I'm interested to know what you regard as "moderate" use, once a week? Once a month? Once a year?
I think King should slightly change his sig to "I purposely distort my perceptions to make my reality more subjective."

Sublime confirmed it haha ;)

PS ever notice pot-heads listen to horrid music?
Ever notice that horrid music is a matter of opinion? That said, I think a lot of stoner music sounds the same and is retarded. I still don't think it's "good" or "bad," though.
This is so ridiculously biased and ill-informed. You've obviously done some 'internet research' and come to your own conclusions to suit your own stance. "Might" marijuana smoke be harmful? Of course it fucking is, it's a carcinogen. Anything smoked WILL damage your lungs. It can take years for them to rejuvenate after quitting smoking. I'm interested to know what you regard as "moderate" use, once a week? Once a month? Once a year?

I absolutely agree with this. Don't say marijuana smoke will not damage your lungs because that's false. I don't know where you've read that. Not only marijuana smoke but also any other smoke that is toxic will cause damage to the lungs.
People who smoke weed should just vaporize, use a bong, or cook it into stuff. There's less smell that way, anyway. Well, if you do it right, that is.
This is so ridiculously biased and ill-informed. You've obviously done some 'internet research' and come to your own conclusions to suit your own stance. "Might" marijuana smoke be harmful? Of course it fucking is, it's a carcinogen. Anything smoked WILL damage your lungs. It can take years for them to rejuvenate after quitting smoking. I'm interested to know what you regard as "moderate" use, once a week? Once a month? Once a year?

I absolutely agree with this. Don't say marijuana smoke will not damage your lungs because that's false. I don't know where you've read that. Not only marijuana smoke but also any other smoke that is toxic will cause damage to the lungs.

Oh my dear lord. Read this article you twats.

Smoke from tobacco and cannabis contains many of the same carcinogens and tumor promoters [20,21]. However, cannabis and tobacco have additional pharmacological activities, both receptor-dependent and independent, that result in different biological endpoints. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in smoke are pro-carcinogens that are converted to carcinogens by the enzymatic activity of the cytochrome P4501A1 oxidase protein (CYP1A1 gene product). Benzo [a] pyrene is converted to its carcinogenic metabolite diol epoxide, which binds to specific hyper-mutable nucleotide sequences in the K-ras oncogene and p53 tumor suppressor [22]. Recent work by Roth et al. demonstrates that THC treatment of murine hepatoma cells caused a dose dependent increase in CYP1A1 gene transcription, while at the same time directly inhibiting the enzymatic activity of the gene product [23]. Thus, despite potentially higher levels of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons found in cannabis smoke compared to tobacco smoke (dependent on what part of the plant is smoked), the THC present in cannabis smoke should exert a protective effect against pro-carcinogens that require activation. In contrast, nicotine activates some CYP1A1 activities, thus potentially increasing the carcinogenic effects of tobacco smoke [24].

Again, that's not ME saying that. And that quote I pulled out is far, FAR more detailed in its description of the effects of smoking marijuana and the chemical properties of marijuana and cigarette smoke than some nutjob at the National Institue of Drug Abuse simply stating "marijuana smoke is bad mmmkay" and not even supporting their claims with scientific evidence.

You don't have to believe me, I really don't give a shit if you do, but don't call me a liar for citing information from credible sources that make your arguments look silly.

Here's the facts: No one has ever died from marijuana use. No one has ever been diagnosed with cancer from marijuana use (ironically, marijuana helps in riding of cancerous cells, who knew?!), no one has ever been attributed to respiratory ailments due to marijuana use. Again, that's not me making this shit up, that's just the way it is whether you want to believe me or not. The shit has been around for thousands of years and the only properties it has are good ones. I personally wouldn't smoke it everyday multiple times a day, but if you're smoking it moderately (a couple times a week), there's as close to zero risk involved as you can possibly get. Or you can do like Vimana said and get a vaporizing or make edibles and squash the risk to zero.