The pics thread

I would consider watching that show once in a while, but danny de vito is too fucking ugly for me to bear.
zabu of nΩd;10183206 said:
I would consider watching that show once in a while, but danny de vito is too fucking ugly for me to bear.

They don't make him look any prettier on this show either. Take the Christmas special where he's sewn into a couch and busts out of it sweaty and naked. There. I just burned that into your mind. You're welcome.

"Oh my god your breath!"
"I'm sorry! I was nervous, so I ate some cheese!"
"How much cheese did you eat?"
"I don't know. A whole block. I was really nervous."
"Oh my god your breath!"
"I'm sorry! I was nervous, so I ate some cheese!"
"How much cheese did you eat?"
"I don't know. A whole block. I was really nervous."

-How much cheese is too much cheese?
-Any amount of cheese before a date is too much cheese! :heh: