The pics thread

I agree. It's all about heavy duty trucks:


of course, you do live in arizona so that would make sense. kinda hard to drive a truck around in mountains and forests :)
Hard to drive anything around in a forest. Unless you stay on a roads inside the vehicle. In which case a truck is perfect. ;)

Where it SUCKS is inside parking lots with concrete dividers everywhere.
zabu of nΩd;10186772 said:
cars are boring

Cars are boring from the standpoint of 'I really don't give a shit what type of engine this has and why this engine is better than the engine in this other car'

I understand horsepower and all that shit, but car talk bores me.

I do want to learn how to work on a car though since I think it's handy and can save you money.

Edit: Before anyone decides to jump the gun and tell me off for being so straight edge. I earn quite a bit for a fresh graduate engineer working in the city, I'm still subjected to surprise urinalysis especially if I go on site visits. It took me awhile to finish my degree, I worked hard for it and I'm still working hard now that I'm actually working full time in the resource industry. I'm taxed 23% of my pay, and as I grow older and my pay increases it will get much worse. My dad gets taxed 33% of his wage. Seeing my "friends" and other people in general doing absolutely sweet fuck-all with their lives: smoking up; not studying; 'trying to look for jobs'; smoking crack, pisses me off to know that my taxes go to welfare pay checks for these people...

Edit: Before anyone decides to jump the gun and tell me off for being so straight edge. I earn quite a bit for a fresh graduate engineer working in the city, I'm still subjected to surprise urinalysis especially if I go on site visits. It took me awhile to finish my degree, I worked hard for it and I'm still working hard now that I'm actually working full time in the resource industry. I'm taxed 23% of my pay, and as I grow older and my pay increases it will get much worse. My dad gets taxed 33% of his wage. Seeing my "friends" and other people in general doing absolutely sweet fuck-all with their lives: smoking up; not studying; 'trying to look for jobs'; smoking crack, pisses me off to know that my taxes go to welfare pay checks for these people...

I know you're annoyed with what those people do with their welfare checks, but by you justifying drug tests in any form is nothing more than bending over for the man. It sounds like hippie talk but that's just the way it is.

I find it odd that people are screened for drugs but are never screened for things like being an alcoholic and beating their wives or just being an all around shithead. As long as you don't smoke weed you're a-okay with society!

Edit: Before anyone decides to jump the gun and tell me off for being so straight edge. I earn quite a bit for a fresh graduate engineer working in the city, I'm still subjected to surprise urinalysis especially if I go on site visits. It took me awhile to finish my degree, I worked hard for it and I'm still working hard now that I'm actually working full time in the resource industry. I'm taxed 23% of my pay, and as I grow older and my pay increases it will get much worse. My dad gets taxed 33% of his wage. Seeing my "friends" and other people in general doing absolutely sweet fuck-all with their lives: smoking up; not studying; 'trying to look for jobs'; smoking crack, pisses me off to know that my taxes go to welfare pay checks for these people...

I can agree to a certain extent. Seeing your tax dollars go to waste is frustrating, but this would really just add another problem to the system. For one, urinalysis is pretty expensive. You would be wasting money by testing people who don't do drugs, and people who do drugs will just find a way around it.

I think the problem is the idea that you can take money from a hard working individual and give it to somebody who is not, and then expect for that person to conduct himself in a more responsible manner just because of the fact that he has gained wealth they did not earn. I understand that some people really do get hit with problems that are completely out of their control, and that's why we have these safety nets.

My mother kept my siblings and me fed with welfare money and food stamps for a few years until she could take care of us without the need for additional help. Of course, our economic position was a reflection of her character at that time, so she did not spend all of the redistributed wealth in a responsible manner. In the end, however, these safety nets worked how they were supposed to. But waste and abuse is a by product redistributing wealth, and adding another layer of expenses with the intent to clean up some of that waste and abuse will probably just lead to more of the same. You shouldn't trick yourself into thinking all, or even most of the people receiving redistributed wealth are responsible people, and you really shouldn't think that the irresponsible ones out of the bunch can be socially engineered into becoming responsible.
I can agree to a certain extent. Seeing your tax dollars go to waste is frustrating, but this would really just add another problem to the system. For one, urinalysis is pretty expensive. You would be wasting money by testing people who don't do drugs, and people who do drugs will just find a way around it.

I think the problem is the idea that you can take money from a hard working individual and give it to somebody who is not, and then expect for that person to conduct himself in a more responsible manner just because of the fact that he has gained wealth they did not earn. I understand that some people really do get hit with problems that are completely out of their control, and that's why we have these safety nets.

My mother kept my siblings and me fed with welfare money and food stamps for a few years until she could take care of us without the need for additional help. Of course, our economic position was a reflection of her character at that time, so she did not spend all of the redistributed wealth in a responsible manner. In the end, however, these safety nets worked how they were supposed to. But waste and abuse is a by product redistributing wealth, and adding another layer of expenses with the intent to clean up some of that waste and abuse will probably just lead to more of the same. You shouldn't trick yourself into thinking all, or even most of the people receiving redistributed wealth are responsible people, and you really shouldn't think that the irresponsible ones out of the bunch can be socially engineered into becoming responsible.

Some jobs including the army screen for alcohol when i was mobed we had an incident where a guy came in the motor pool extremely hungover they took him to a clinic where he blew more than 1 percent. The legal limit for the army is .05 bac. Basically the guy got demoted in in 72hours they pulled him off of active duty.
and you really shouldn't think that the irresponsible ones out of the bunch can be socially engineered into becoming responsible.

Only part I disagree with. The way a person acts, thinks, believes, etc. are very moldable things, but one shouldn't expect free money to do that.

I find it odd that people are screened for drugs but are never screened for things like being an alcoholic and beating their wives or just being an all around shithead. As long as you don't smoke weed you're a-okay with society!

Agreed. I think there should be some kind of psych care/monitoring system to prevent people from growing up to develop tendencies that are detrimental to themselves and those around them. It would be a better use of tax dollars than trying to prevent some stoners from having a toke.