The pics thread

Only part I disagree with. The way a person acts, thinks, believes, etc. are very moldable things, but one shouldn't expect free money to do that.

I don't believe that people are "moldable"; however, people can be influenced and I believe that is what you were getting at. I wanted to make this distinction because "molding" would insinuate that people's actions can be determined by some other being. "Influence", on the other hand, is more reflective of human nature. That is to say that the actions of outside parties can have an effect on an individual's choice of actions, but the action is still solely decided by the individual. The actions of a philanthropist may inspire the individual to go out and do better for himself. However, that inspiration does not necessarily dictate that the individual will, in fact, go out and do better for himself.
if every government or organization stopped spending money on welfare people, africa and the middle east, and just let all of them die, the world would be a much better place. we are not responsible for any of them; they are just a waste of already scarce resources on this planet.
Some pics from this weekend's cross-country skiing kvlt.

My girl struggling:

Me struggling:

Me feeling victorious after standing up: