The pics thread

"Gaming laptop" is a bad idea. Higher cost for lower power, harder/impossible to upgrade, and you'll feel like an idiot plugging it into a monitor and USB keyboard + mouse when you realize that it's a terrible setup for comfortable gaming.

I mean, it sounds like a sweet laptop, for sure, but imo you could have spent the same amount buying a decent $500 laptop and then put the rest into a fucking beast of a desktop rig.

What's more comfortable than raping people in your recliner with a 7.1 surround sound headset?

My display is full HD running at 120Hz and I have a full-sized keyboard. You're right, buying a separate monitor and mouse would be dumb. With the size and display of the laptop monitor relative to the distance it has to be away from your face so that it's comfortable for you to use the keyboard to type or play games is perfect.
Well, since you multi-quoted me after I deleted my rant because I didn't want to get into it I guess I'm obligated to respond now.

I got the general impression that you were showing off and boasting, this was reinforced in my mind by the fuck yeah picture. Apologies if I misread that.

I was showing off the fact that I was able to take a bad situation and benefit from it, that's it. Why is that bad? And why did this make you so butt-hurt that you just had to retort with some smartass comment?

It's not difficult to know what parts are good and how to put them together. It is possible to build a very good desktop for $1000. Not so much a laptop, I'll give you that, but in my personal opinion the idea of a dedicated gaming laptop is kind of silly.

Yeah well, that's like your opinion man. And I think it's pretty silly as well.

A good rig is going to cost at least $2000 no matter how you build it. That's assuming you have to buy all of the components, not just the tower itself. So, I spent an extra $1000 on top of that for something that was pre-built, compact, portable, nearly as powerful, and that is under warranty such that I will never actually have to touch it myself, and that is also completely refundable. Show me a custom desktop you can say the same for all of that.

No fuss no muss breh.

I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Alienware uses the same exact components (aside from their custom cases) that are commercially available for anyone to buy and assemble their own builds with. The difference is they charge a ridiculous amount more.

Refer to above.

All of those people sound like they have victim complexes and are full of shit. I've dealt with Alienware for years and I know plenty of actual people who have also dealt with them for years and have nothing bad to say about them. I've never spoken to anyone from "India." It's never taken me "days to contact support." None of that shit. I'll give you all the direct numbers to tech support and customer service right now if you want them to prove my point.

Of course some people are just never going to be satisfied. I mean look at my situation. I haven't even had my computer a month buy yet I'm dealing with a hard drive failure. Fortunately I understand that stuff like this happens and it isn't necessarily Alienware's fault, unlike those yahoos on that site you referenced. But guess how I handled the situation? I called them immediately, I spoke with a representative immediately, we diagnosed the problem in less than an hour, I was given two options of having a technician sent out to replace the hard drives or to refund my order and/or order a new computer.

Is it annoying my computer is dead? Yes, very. Is it Alienware's fault? Unfortuantely for them they're fully responsible because this is their product. Did they assist me and make it right immediately? Yeap. Am I satisfied regardless of the situation? You bet.

I guess I was right, you are trying to be a cocky braggart.

Only because you were being an annoying cunt. <3

A laptop will never be as powerful as a desktop. Good luck overclocking to anything significant.

An extra 100 mhz in processing speed is nothing. 16GB of memory is overkill when you never even would have needed to fully use the 8 you had originally. Two gpu's in SLI is nice but it'll be limited by your processor which will probably experience bottlenecking since it's only running at 3.5ghz.

Ok, so 3-4 years down the road I buy a new processor and viola, I'm back in business with plenty of power elsewhere. Damn, that was easy.

Anyway, I admit arguing over this is petty. Regardless of everything else I hope you enjoy your computer. I'm just bitter towards Alienware and other sites that offer similar products like iBuyPower and such.

Why waste that much money for a gaming laptop? It's a stupid idea.

A few points:

1) It's not just a gaming laptop, it's an everyday computer.

2) It's not a waste.

3) I spent this much because I can.

4) I enjoy it and think it was worth every penny, so to me it's not stupid.

This is no different than deciding to buy a Porsche over a Volkswagen. Clearly the VW will get you from A to B to Z for much cheaper. But if you can afford the Porsche, why not live a little and enjoy the overall experience that goes along with owning it?

I don't give a shit about money personally. That doesn't mean I'm irresponsible with it, don't get me wrong, quite the opposite is true actually. But when it comes to things I enjoy, I don't give a shit about the cost. If I can afford it and it's going to bring me a lot of joy, I'll buy it. You only live once man.

edit: I guess that's what annoys me most about people who enjoy criticizing others on insignificant things like this. So you don't think it was the greatest of ideas for me to make this purchase, so what? I do. There's no sense in being a dick about it (not saying you are sevag, just speaking in generalities) just to prove a point that I'm going to disagree with anyway. It's the ultimate act in futility.

It's such a silly thing to even get offended by or annoyed with or have bitter feelings towards.

You fag why'd you spend $150 on those Oakley's when you can buy polarized sunglasses at Wal-Mart for $10?!
Why'd you spend $100k on a Porsche when you could buy a $25k Honda?!
Why'd you spend $30 on that shirt from the GAP when you could have bought a $10 shirt at Goodwill?!

Why? Because I fucking wanted to asshole.

edit2: I don't actually shop at the Gap so don't yell at me for that. It was the first store that came to mind.
If you don't care about money and can afford to pay it, that's fine. But other people rip their ass of just to pay for monthly bills and groceries.
Honestly, King Richard, it's your money, and of course you can do what you want with it, but to me you're the one coming across as butthurt. Did you actually think you'd be drenched in fanboy responses such as




This is the internet. People will disagree with you. The last you want to do in response is clench your anus even tighter, because it will only make it feel better for the other person. Just my $.02.
If you don't care about money and can afford to pay it, that's fine. But other people rip their ass of just to pay for monthly bills and groceries.

I don't even understand what point you're trying to make with this. I work too, I have bills too, I'm not rich. Why are you trying to make me feel bad for spending my own hard earned money on something I get a lot of enjoyment out of?

Honestly, King Richard, it's your money, and of course you can do what you want with it, but to me you're the one coming across as butthurt. Did you actually think you'd be drenched in fanboy responses such as




This is the internet. People will disagree with you. The last you want to do in response is clench your anus even tighter, because it will only make it feel better for the other person. Just my $.02.

Yes actually, I was hoping that would be the case but in typical internet fashion I got nothing but jealous troll responses. Good points, although I disagree with me being the one coming off as if I'm butt-hurt. errr body else is just jelly mang.
Yes actually, I was hoping that would be the case but in typical internet fashion I got nothing but jealous troll responses.

Well please don't file my detraction under "jealous trolling". I said I had owned an Alienware laptop years ago, and that I would never buy another, nor recommend them to someone else. My final judgement in retrospect was that it was a "monumental waste of money". Anyway:

I didn't mean that comment literally, was just being over-zealous. WAIF and sevag didn't troll me so it's all good.

Anyway, in the end it doesn't really matter to me. Not my fault your shit's weak breh. hahahafhaifhaifs

A few points:

1) It's not just a gaming laptop, it's an everyday computer.

2) It's not a waste.

3) I spent this much because I can.

4) I enjoy it and think it was worth every penny, so to me it's not stupid.

This is no different than deciding to buy a Porsche over a Volkswagen. Clearly the VW will get you from A to B to Z for much cheaper. But if you can afford the Porsche, why not live a little and enjoy the overall experience that goes along with owning it?

I don't give a shit about money personally. That doesn't mean I'm irresponsible with it, don't get me wrong, quite the opposite is true actually. But when it comes to things I enjoy, I don't give a shit about the cost. If I can afford it and it's going to bring me a lot of joy, I'll buy it. You only live once man.

edit: I guess that's what annoys me most about people who enjoy criticizing others on insignificant things like this. So you don't think it was the greatest of ideas for me to make this purchase, so what? I do. There's no sense in being a dick about it (not saying you are sevag, just speaking in generalities) just to prove a point that I'm going to disagree with anyway. It's the ultimate act in futility.

It's such a silly thing to even get offended by or annoyed with or have bitter feelings towards.

You fag why'd you spend $150 on those Oakley's when you can buy polarized sunglasses at Wal-Mart for $10?!
Why'd you spend $100k on a Porsche when you could buy a $25k Honda?!
Why'd you spend $30 on that shirt from the GAP when you could have bought a $10 shirt at Goodwill?!

Why? Because I fucking wanted to asshole.

edit2: I don't actually shop at the Gap so don't yell at me for that. It was the first store that came to mind.

Maybe it is just me, but I'd much sooner value a quality computer over some shit sunglasses, a car that costs too much, and somewhat pricy clothes...

With the other things functionality really all that matters (well, clothes to some degree matter elsewhere but still)
I've had a first gen M11x for a few years now and it was a great investment. I know all about building computers, and have done so multiple times in the past for myself and others. Of course Alienware is a waste of money on the desktop front, but as far as laptops go, it is quite the different story these days. Desktops are becoming more and more obsolete in MY life, and i'm assuming others as well.

That said, the larger Alienware laptops are still a little questionable.
A demographic map of the state I'm currently living in. So glad I'm out of here in less than six months.


For those who don't know:

LePage = our current douchebag, retarded Republican governor.
Mass-holes = people from Massachusetts
Drugs = bath salts
Democrats = the metropolitan area of Portland, Maine's largest (and richest) city
Parties = that's where the University of Maine is