The pics thread

A more modern style drawing of Tezcatlipoca, the Aztec god of natural disasters and other shit. Some details are off, but whatever.

You know what, I'm on Onder's side on this matter. I think Krig is a boss for having the balls to post his map, and all the props to him for making it. However, the idea and the map itself is completely and utterly "nigga pleez".
First time I've ever seen Onder get the Tom Brady beat down.

seeing this d and d maps is kinda giving me an itch to play skyrim (or morrowind, but I would have to install it and download like 50 mods, ehhh)
Calm down guys. WTF. I just repeated one thing four times because people kept asking about it and that made everybody angry. Otherwise I would just have my usual RANT and leave it. The reason it made everybody angry is because they kept poking into it as they don't agree about it, that's all. Stop being sissy and let's leave it.

EDIT: I feel like taking kid's favorite toy away now. :lol: I feel bad because they hate me now, but I did a good thing. ;)
Secondly: Onder, shut your yapper. I've had it up to here with your hipster wannabe tuff guy via coffee shop intellectualism and binge drinking spiel. Get what I'm saying? Go back to screwing your girlfriend and do me a favor and do NOT rant about it here afterwards.

The end.

EDIT: I'm unfriending you on LastFM too, bitch.

Fucking D&D breaking friendships. I hate those games.

This time he's being a little shit. Let me know when you can function without having a beer - or having to telling us how much beer you drink and when you drink it - and then you can patronize someone for lacking maturity.

Ok. I won't talk about this game anymore.

Sorry guys, I didn't know that this subject was so sensitive.
I'm surprised everyone turned against Onder on this matter. Because every time he posts something you guys support and agree with him. Today, we saw something different.
Don't get me wrong Onder, i'm not judging you nor do i even care if you like the map or not.
Yeah, let's leave D&D. Here's my drawing of my dream house. It's my girl there:

Those are some giant fucking flowers. Also, is that the sun or the eye of Sauron?