The pics thread

when I got drunk as shit at the baseball stadium I lost my Oakleys
so I ordered a custom pair from
woot woot!

I concocted this amazing protein shake this morning; 2 heaping scoops of protein powder which is 48g of protein and a shit ton of other things, 2 big tablespoons of chocolate syrup, 16oz of whole milk, and 1 banana. Quite tasty.


I bought a dry erase board to make notes to myself not to forget and decided to write you all a kind message.

At one point years ago, I used to take this protein shake that was white and thick, and tasted like shit. Right as I would take a swig of it, a friend of mine would always say, "it looks like you're drinking cum." I'd fucking gag every time he'd say that. That shit didn't last....
Built this today. Inside has some flaws in the bracing and corners, but the two-direction vent and outer seal are flawless so it sounds amazing.

At first glance, I thought you were standing in the fire. That would've been badass.

I would have needed a couple more 40's to get the nerve.

I would say "Kill it with fire!" but it looks like that was what was going on :D


is it weird I knew the picture of Sap was him without looking at his username?

It is. Most people tell me I look like somebody else.

Relax the jaw breh.

I know, I've never been good at the chug.

Sap you're looking fit and trim! Been drinking Krig's juice?

Not really. I've developed my own exercise routine lately, which I do at least 3 days a week. 45 - 60 min yoga, 3+ mile walk (or hike), fuck around with a 25 lb. dumbbell for a total of about 60 - 80 reps. It's really lacking on technique, but I've been losing fat and gaining a little muscle. Yeah, and I've cut carbs like a mofo.