The pics thread


Yeah dogs are somewhat annoying. They tend to headbutt groins and smell appalling in when wet. Cats are perfect.
Having a cat is like having a roommate. Having a dog is like having a kid. Mostly depends on the level of involvement you want with the animal, LOL.
That is a really bizarre light fixture in your 2nd shot STN. I wonder what the person who designed that shit was on.
Probably Instagramed.

Yeah. Most are just interesting stuff I see when I'm working. No way I'm carrying my SLR around with me. Instagram seems to have a bunch of negative connotations associated with it now because of bored chicks using it to post their breakfast everyday. I think the filters are great, there are a good variety on there plus contrast is adjustable so you can really make colours pop. The original image has to be good though. Most of those were taken before I realised you could remove the borders, which I always do now.

zabu of nΩd;10415751 said:
That is a really bizarre light fixture in your 2nd shot STN. I wonder what the person who designed that shit was on.

Yeah some form of psychedelic at some point, no doubt. If I had photoshop skillz I'd get rid of the heating vent in the background. And the boombox shot needs the ipod removed, but eh.