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Seeing so many assholes in nice cars has made me reconsider whether I like them or not. Still, they never drive classic cars, so there's a niche.
zabu of nΩd;10454985 said:
I might be in LA this december -- i'm visiting a friend in Vegas and we may do a road trip. you should show us that if we end up near the beachies.

Dude if you make it to LA, we better meet up and have a beer. :kickass:

Was it Dean's? That's the place I'm talking about

Yeah! That pizza is seriously so good...I would totally go against being Vegan for that pizza any night.
I agree that a lot of prodcuts come from animals other than the obvious meat/eggs/etc.. But I do not believe that there is no such thing as a vegan...Ive met some remarkable "Vegan" farmers when I toured the East coast working on different farms. They lived completely off grid and dont buy into really anything on that picture...People like that, to me, are this world's saving grace. They are the real deal, living as humans should.
Thats a part of it, but not the whole picture.

Im admitting that I hate labels but I play along with the game labeling myself a "Vegan", but in all sense of the word, to my standard of what a true "Vegan" is (as stated above), Im a shitty Vegan. Im just a dude who does his best to limit the amount of animal products I put into my body because it is one way I express one of my highest spiritual capacities; that of sympathy and compassion towards living creatures.