The pics thread

I wish black people in the Midwest listened to metal. I also wish the black chicks here weren't fat as fuck.


D'Awwwww!!!!! That's adorable!
Saparmurat: Can't even imagine how it is in the Midwest... I dated this guy who took me to meet his mother and the first thing she said to me (knowing just my ethnicity and nothing else) was "I thought you'd be bigger." I think Americans tend to be bigger in general (especially black Americans), but my family isn't from here. Tons of blacks listen to metal in NY though. It's usually black dudes, but i see girls once in awhile.

Serjeant Grumbles: LOL. Pam Grier ftw.

$200 million a year...
From 2004 to 2010, the group’s revenue from fundraising -- including gifts from gun makers -- grew twice as fast as its income from members’ dues.


So lets put som blame on the corrupt United States Congress as well.
Proper treatment of the mentally ill would help some in preventing future shool shootings.
But that cost money and since it's now up to the free market to fix that (else it's socialism, and socialism evil) they will only do so for "a few dollars". That spells tax dollars (and that's not socialism at all).
Thank you Ronald Reagan for "trickle down".

Looks like NRA are keeping their head down on this one though, for now...
Hi Damnromulans! ^_^

Onder: Yes it is. I got into extreme metal at a really early age before i knew anything about NSBM... I got a lot of those patches at 14-15. Just recently got the vest. I am going to take the patch off (mind you it was sewed on like 2 months ago), but was quite conflicted because i think people would drive themselves crazy trying to weed out every band and their members racial beliefs. But I did order a bunch of patches last week, so it'll be replaced soon.

I've interviewed and kept in contact with a few national socialists. I study sociology and my area is deviance, so quite familiar with the ideology now. Though I try not to support them in any way (by not buying their merch or buying their C.D.s) it is difficult because a lot of BM sprang from nationalism (the whole Norse/pagan themed BM didn't just pop out of nowhere even Shagrath of Dimmu Borgir signed his letters with swatiskas in the 90s), so being in this genre it's difficult to know the ideologies of everyone. Graveland's ideologies are obvious now, but a lot of other BM isn't. A friend of mine went to see Kampfar and they were sieg hailing all throughout their set. Never heard of them being NS, but they are apparently. Even K.K. Warslut from Destroyer 666 is apparently a "nazi" too, and i love that band. :/

I don't have a problem with nationalism (many family members of mine supported the black panthers so it's always surrounded me in some sense), I do have a problem with racism though. Not that it matters, but NS who "hate" other races apparently aren't actual NS but white nationalists, which are different. Though it's hard to draw the line because the line is different for everyone, i doubt i could ever interview a white nationalist hahaha.

$200 million a year...
From 2004 to 2010, the group’s revenue from fundraising -- including gifts from gun makers -- grew twice as fast as its income from members’ dues.


So lets put som blame on the corrupt United States Congress as well.
Proper treatment of the mentally ill would help some in preventing future shool shootings.
But that cost money and since it's now up to the free market to fix that (else it's socialism, and socialism evil) they will only do so for "a few dollars". That spells tax dollars (and that's not socialism at all).
Thank you Ronald Reagan for "trickle down".

Looks like NRA are keeping their head down on this one though, for now...

The notion that the NRA is buying out Congress is laughable. Maybe you should take a peak at Big Pharma who are reaping profits by "keeping" the "mentally ill" mentally ill. Lobbying is for chumps. The real pull peddlers run executive branches like the FDA.
Well, it's not entirely off-base; but they certainly don't have their hands in every politician's pockets. However, it's rather safe to say that congressmen are, for the most part, certainly not representatives of popular opinion, but employees of major corporations.
Not a gun guy myself, but do believe the laws are about right as-is. We currently have access to enough firepower than if a sizable enough portion of the population dedicated themselves to overthrowing a tyrannical government they could do so. That's the whole point of the 2nd amendment. It's not so rednecks and the mentally unstable can get their jollies and ego boost from shooting big guns. It's to act as a deterrent to an oppressive government hostile to the interests of the people.
Everyone forgets that part of the 2nd amendment. That it's about keeping a well regulated militia. It's not about you having the ability to open fire on your neighbors (even if they deserve it). It's not about you have the ability to kill people who break into your house or teenage black kids with iced tea and Skittles. It's about being allowed to bear arms for the purposes of a militia.

Not only that, but it doesn't just say ANY weaponry. It just says "bear arms". That doesn't mean you should have the right for fully-auto assault rifles with hollow-point ammo. If you have a handgun, you're bearing arms. You're covered. And if you have to wait an extra week for a background check, you're still getting your gun.

What's amazing, though, is if the Connecticut shooter were Aasif bin Hamad or something like that the public outcry to start wiretapping every Muslim in the nation and stopping them from purchasing weapons would have happened before the bloodstains on the schoolhouse floor dried.
You can certainly take an opposing view, but if said militia cannot arm itself in such a way as to be capable of overthrowing a government then you're just paying the amendment lip service rather than the meaning behind it. Sure, a basic rifle would suffice in the time the law was written, but if you're facing military or police forces armed to the teeth it won't necessarily do much good.

The redeeming hope in such a situation you're describing is that a sizable portion of the military/police forces become part of the militia.
Hi Damnromulans! ^_^

Onder: Yes it is. I got into extreme metal at a really early age before i knew anything about NSBM... I got a lot of those patches at 14-15. Just recently got the vest. I am going to take the patch off (mind you it was sewed on like 2 months ago), but was quite conflicted because i think people would drive themselves crazy trying to weed out every band and their members racial beliefs. But I did order a bunch of patches last week, so it'll be replaced soon.

I've interviewed and kept in contact with a few national socialists. I study sociology and my area is deviance, so quite familiar with the ideology now. Though I try not to support them in any way (by not buying their merch or buying their C.D.s) it is difficult because a lot of BM sprang from nationalism (the whole Norse/pagan themed BM didn't just pop out of nowhere even Shagrath of Dimmu Borgir signed his letters with swatiskas in the 90s), so being in this genre it's difficult to know the ideologies of everyone. Graveland's ideologies are obvious now, but a lot of other BM isn't. A friend of mine went to see Kampfar and they were sieg hailing all throughout their set. Never heard of them being NS, but they are apparently. Even K.K. Warslut from Destroyer 666 is apparently a "nazi" too, and i love that band. :/

I don't have a problem with nationalism (many family members of mine supported the black panthers so it's always surrounded me in some sense), I do have a problem with racism though. Not that it matters, but NS who "hate" other races apparently aren't actual NS but white nationalists, which are different. Though it's hard to draw the line because the line is different for everyone, i doubt i could ever interview a white nationalist hahaha.

Metal is a good old boys association.