The pics thread

I said something along these lines (about drone strikes) to a couple of friends and my Father. Their reaction was not only disappointing but quite scary.

Cognitive dissonance all around. I find it ironic that gun control advocates will point to statistics showing long term lows in crime and downward trends as reasons you don't need guns for protection, while at the same time decrying the record amount of privately held firearms, never putting 2 and 2 together.
This has probably BP'd, but fuck it I think it's hilarious still.

I said something along these lines (about drone strikes) to a couple of friends and my Father. Their reaction was not only disappointing but quite scary.

I mentioned it in a class debate and somebody said something along the lines of, "They deserve it because of 9/11." It's pretty fucking scary that strategic killing of innocent civilians is a concept that many Americans agree with.
I mentioned it in a class debate and somebody said something along the lines of, "They deserve it because of 9/11." It's pretty fucking scary that strategic killing of innocent civilians is a concept that many Americans agree with.

It shouldn't be, even though everyone still acts all shocked about how various populations could be for various genocidal historical regimes/actions. Americans have never been any different. It used to be the "Indians", now it's just indigenous people on the other side of the world. Now that I've married into a Navajo/Apache bloodline (and should thusly be safe), I hope the Native Americans "rise again" and give the rest of the occupiers of the US "wut they deserf!" for the Trail of Tears, et al.

American presidents have been responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of kids, and Obama has made it policy to specifically kill kids (that aren't MURKAN!). Your concern is misplaced. Reminds me of the Kony kerfuffle.
Yes, no (hyperbole).
And just how is my concern misplaced when my outrage over the murders of schools children and teachers in no way exclude outrage over people being killed by the US military industrial complex/financial establishment?
Take your assumptions elsewhere.
And just how is my concern misplaced when my outrage over the murders of schools children and teachers in no way exclude outrage over people being killed by the US military industrial complex/financial establishment?
Take your assumptions elsewhere.

Your concern is with supposedly a root cause that isn't. Secondly, you obviously don't have a big problem with the States mass murder campaigns because you want to give that same entity even more power re: "sensible gun laws".
Your concern is with supposedly a root cause that isn't. Secondly, you obviously don't have a big problem with the States mass murder campaigns because you want to give that same entity even more power re: "sensible gun laws".

Like there's no connection between the military industrial complex and gun manufacturers in USA!
Guns don't kill people, death kill people. :lol:
I'm not going to bother with stats. "...a root cause that isn't." :rolleyes:
Like there's no connection between the military industrial complex and gun manufacturers in USA!
Guns don't kill people, death kill people. :lol:
I'm not going to bother with stats. "...a root cause that isn't." :rolleyes:

These killings occur in Gun Free Zones. There's part of the problem. The killers usually display signs of instability and aggression prior to the actions (like "I'm going to kill a bunch of people"). You can't blame the tool for how it's used. Otherwise we should blame cars for drunk/reckless drivers, spoons for obesity, etc.

I know you won't bother with "the stats" because there aren't any to support the gun ban position. I've seen the best Huffpost and Brady have to offer and it's laughably bad. Kind of like looking at Krugman's economic charts. You also ignored the point about giving the most murderous institution in recent and world history more control. Typical cognitive dissonance. Kind of like the Occupy Wall Street and Tea Party crowds.
I know you won't bother with "the stats" because there aren't any to support the gun ban position.

Of course not.
Not the "right" kind anyways.
At this point I really want Obama to take away your guns, not just because of all the killings, but because it will cause you so much harm. Hope the cops bring a camera when they do that - and put it on Youtube for all to watch. Nothing more fun than seeing a fat american in a dirty tank top crying like a 6 y/o school girl. "Nooooooooo!! MY GHUUUUN!!!" - Pathetic
The Jews in the holocaust ain't got noth'n on you NRA people. OH THE PAIN! You should tell all defectors from North Korea to turn back home. With Obama in charge USA is now the most socialist country EVER! OHHHHHHHHHHH THE HORRIBLE PAIN YOU MUST SUFFER!
Or is it "from my cold dead hands" with you?
Tell me about how there wouldn't have been a school shooting if Mitt Romney was President.
Did Jesus ride a dinosaur?
Your gun ain't your dick! GROW THA FUCK UP!!
Don't worry Sap, this is fun.

Oh yes Sum, our God Given Right To Own Guns is in the Bible. I think it's John 3:16. At least that's what my favorite politician ever (Love you Mittens!) said. I hope the police do knock on every door in America and tear the houses and apartments completely up looking for guns. This would never happen if Charles Heston were President! I bet Jesus rode dinosaurs with machine guns mounted on 'em!

(BTW, the NRA is a relatively worthless organization).