The pics thread

Went gay for Johnnie Walker last night.


Spoons and RPGs don't exist to cause obesity, guns exist only to kill.

Not true. Guns can be used for a variety of things. However, killing is something they are excellent for, whether for murder or defense. Kind of like spoons can be used for sustenance or for shoveling food to the point of death. Ignored in all that is the fact that tools don't act on their own, and prohibition doesn't really prohibit access. Ironically, I know you do drugs. Good thing that's illegal amirite?
Recreational shooting aside, what else do guns exist to do other than kill?

Mind you, I am not completely against gun ownership. I have a problem with the outrageous gun culture this country has (300 million guns in this country, and the NRA is trying to breed a culture of fear that they're going to take our guns away? HAH.) I have a problem with handguns and assault rifles being available for the citizenry. You don't need something that can fire 30 rounds a magainze to defend yourself in any situation. You want to defend you and yours? Fine, keep a hunting rifle or shotgun around the house.

This doesn't even begin to scratch the 200 some years of misinterpreting the second amendment anyways...

As far as my drug use goes, I've not done anything in coming on two years now simply due to realizing I don't have the mental constitution for it. However, I do support the full legalization of them...
Recreational shooting aside, what else do guns exist to do other than kill?

Mind you, I am not completely against gun ownership. I have a problem with the outrageous gun culture this country has (300 million guns in this country, and the NRA is trying to breed a culture of fear that they're going to take our guns away? HAH.) I have a problem with handguns and assault rifles being available for the citizenry. You don't need something that can fire 30 rounds a magainze to defend yourself in any situation. You want to defend you and yours? Fine, keep a hunting rifle or shotgun around the house.

Most murders happen with handguns (which can hold as few as 1 bullets), not long guns, regardless of clip size. Hunting rifles and shotguns can both be semi-auto and are more accurate than handguns. You don't even know what "Assault Rifle" means, it's the trendy term to use though. I'm sure you are an advocate of Gun Free Zones as well. Guess where these mass shootings occur? Good thing they are banned there amirite? Also,how is the NRA not accurate when taking guns away is exactly what you (and others) are advocating?

This doesn']t even begin to scratch the 200 some years of misinterpreting the second amendment anyways...

I suppose you have the correct interpretation. Which conveniently mean taking away guns, something the NRA is nuts for thinking you would want to do. :rolleyes:

As far as my drug use goes, I've not done anything in coming on two years now simply due to realizing I don't have the mental constitution for it. However, I do support the full legalization of them...

Regardless of when you last used, prohibition didn't stop you from acquiring did it? Or any of the other millions of users on a daily/monthly/yearly basis? BTW, congrats on assisting in funding the murderous gangs and cartels in their purchases of weapons mostly coming from Russian and Chinese stock, so they can murder lots of people south of the US borders.
Most murders happen with handguns (which can hold as few as 1 bullets), not long guns, regardless of clip size. Hunting rifles and shotguns can both be semi-auto and are more accurate than handguns. You don't even know what "Assault Rifle" means, it's the trendy term to use though. I'm sure you are an advocate of Gun Free Zones as well. Guess where these mass shootings occur? Good thing they are banned there amirite? Also,how is the NRA not accurate when taking guns away is exactly what you (and others) are advocating?

Which is why I have an issue with handgun ownership? Gun free zones don't help the issue of the gun culture itself being a problem, they're ineffective at best. The NRA is not accurate, because I never said we should take guns away. I fully realize it is unrealistic to remove guns from people, and it cannot be done.

What I support is making it significantly harder for people to obtain new guns - restriction, not prohibition as was commented on my FB discussion about this.

I suppose you have the correct interpretation. Which conveniently mean taking away guns, something the NRA is nuts for thinking you would want to do. :rolleyes:


Regardless of when you last used, prohibition didn't stop you from acquiring did it? Or any of the other millions of users on a daily/monthly/yearly basis? BTW, congrats on assisting in funding the murderous gangs and cartels in their purchases of weapons mostly coming from Russian and Chinese stock, so they can murder lots of people south of the US borders.

Oh, that argument. Sure, something being illegal doesn't prevent people from obtaining it, but to assume that your every day person has the connections to obtain weaponry outside of legal methods is absurd.

I'm pretty sure that having bought weed my friend grew in his backyard, shrooms from a random guy at MDF a few years ago, and research chemicals I obtained from a Canadian based source really is supporting drug cartels and gang violence. (Two things found in nature, and one thing that wasn't itself illegal...heh)
Which is why I have an issue with handgun ownership? Gun free zones don't help the issue of the gun culture itself being a problem, they're ineffective at best. The NRA is not accurate, because I never said we should take guns away. I fully realize it is unrealistic to remove guns from people, and it cannot be done.

What I support is making it significantly harder for people to obtain new guns - restriction, not prohibition as was commented on my FB discussion about this.

"Gun culture". What is that exactly?

So you have an issue with a single shot handgun?

Gun purchases already require a background check. What else are you recommending? Climbing mount Mordor? Possessing the Ring?

I don't understand why you aren't pushing for weapon prohibition for government. You are much more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist. Globally speaking, you are more likely to be killed by a US drone than by someone living in the "US Gun Culture".

Oh, that argument. Sure, something being illegal doesn't prevent people from obtaining it, but to assume that your every day person has the connections to obtain weaponry outside of legal methods is absurd.

The same arguments were made for drug purchases.

I'm pretty sure that having bought weed my friend grew in his backyard, shrooms from a random guy at MDF a few years ago, and research chemicals I obtained from a Canadian based source really is supporting drug cartels and gang violence. (Two things found in nature, and one thing that wasn't itself illegal...heh)

What you don't understand about supply and demand is that even if you don't purchase directly from a particular supplier, you still create demand and therefore influence supply and pricing. But congrats.
"Gun culture". What is that exactly?

The obsession with guns this country has?

So you have an issue with a single shot handgun?

In that case, no not so much.

Gun purchases already require a background check. What else are you recommending? Climbing mount Mordor? Possessing the Ring?

Lift HIPAA restrictions that prevent background checks from getting medical information that could prevent people with mental illnesses/those who took anti-depressant drugs etc. to combat depression etc. (these are already required to get CPLs in many areas of the country) from getting access to guns, have mandatory firearms safety classes and competency tests to show that potential gun owners know exactly what they're doing with their weapons, force gun show/internet retailers to use the same set of checks to prevent people from easily getting weapons while often bypassing the system of checks altogether, etc.

I don't understand why you aren't pushing for weapon prohibition for government. You are much more likely to be killed by a police officer than a terrorist. Globally speaking, you are more likely to be killed by a US drone than by someone living in the "US Gun Culture".

Another issue for another time really.

The same arguments were made for drug purchases.

How many people do you know that have the necessary facilities to build guns in their backyard tool shed vs. the number of people who have the ability to grow marijuana in their backyard...

What you don't understand about supply and demand is that even if you don't purchase directly from a particular supplier, you still create demand and therefore influence supply and pricing. But congrats.

My friend who grows specifically from his own backyard, doesn't buy from anyone else, and only sold since I was his friend creates a supply/demand issue with drug cartels and dealers I would never have dealings with anyways? Sounds pretty solid to me.
Joe Rogan is like an enlightened pubescent teenager. I think he's an alright dude, just way too mystical and elementary. Everything is "WOAH DUDE", "WHAT THE FUCK MAN" "LIKE HOW IS THAT EVEN POSSIBLE" "WHAT IS THIS REALITY,MAN!" lol

Oh and

This isn't a smart comment or anything but for all the people saying "BAN GUNS NOW, see, all those NRA guys are dumb, we need the government to nail us to the floor so we can't rub up against each other" How many people do states kill with guns and how many of the murders in history were committed by a state actor, how many people would be able to take advantage of recently de-armed neighbourhoods with the illegally held weapons they already had and why haven't we banned cigarettes or alcohol yet, if we're following that train of thought?

also, how many murders occur ultimately due to the fact that some desired substance is prohibited by the state?
Why do NRA have such a problem with resonsible gun ownership?
You have to get a drivers license, don't you? Why not a gun permit after taking at least a class about gun safety? And no guns to people under 20 or the mentaly ill. And a 1 year waiting period before you get your gun.
So why? Because it's big business, that's why. It's a billion dollar industry.

!Big pdf!
114 Firearms manufacturers.
...over 300 firearms manufacturers...

NRA have no problem with putting 1000000 kids on the sacrificial altar, just as long as they get to keep their guns. Sick, really sick. GOP and RNA have nothing to say about how these shootings are gona be stopped.
Money over everything.
The State has no problem with putting 1000000 kids on the sacrificial altar, just as long as they get to keep their guns.

FYPFA. American presidents have been responsible for the death of hundreds of thousands of kids, and Obama has made it policy to specifically kill kids (that aren't MURKAN!). Your concern is misplaced. Reminds me of the Kony kerfuffle.