The pics thread

What's your opinion on whiskey stones?

quality whiskey at room temp nothing added. unless you're doing some really cheap shit with dr pepper or something. canadian hunter with dr pepper is good if you wanna go cheap.
For a good cheap drink

1 1/2 oz Scotch, 1/2 oz Amaretto is amazing. It's called a Godfather. With a decent Cigar (don't inhale) you'll not only enjoy the taste but you'll get high as fuck.

My friend Joe and I do this and watch Lynch movies. It makes us feel like we know what we're talking about haha
Man, I really need to start working on acquiring a taste of whisky. This girl I've been talking to said she likes Maker's Mark and Knob Creek on the rocks and it makes me feel like a pussy that I don't drink that stuff.
Both of those are pretty decent whiskeys, especially Knob Creek. Shits bomb.

A buddy at work gave me a special holiday bottle of jack daniels for Xmas...Dont really like Whiskey from Tennessee, especially JD its dog piss, but what the hell. Might actually be decent.

Kentucky bourbon is where its at.