The pics thread


Happy New Year assholes. Yeah, I'm cool enough to be drinking alone.
Nice pics! Looks like you guys had a lot of gay sex bathed in pizza sauce.

Can everyone please stop calling Yoda and Butt ugly now? The standard has been set, no one on this forum could possibly be uglier than Rick...

@Sap Facebook...
Alright, so I've been meaning to make this for a while, and here it is: Lasagne Bolognese.

For the ragù, I started with a soffritto of onion, celery, carrot, and garlic:

Then I added the meat (beef, pork, and bacon):

Here it is after being thoroughly browned. You aren't done just when it all becomes grey, because when you are making ragù alla bolognese, brown means brown:

Now, I've added the tomato paste, milk, and white wine:

Now, for the Béchamel sauce. Start with a simple roux:

Here is the finished sauce, after adding hot milk and seasoning with salt and nutmeg:

Homemade spinach lasagne noodles:

Assembling the lasagne, with Parmigiano Reggiano cheese:

After baking in the oven, here is the final product:

Served on my plate:
How awesome was that fucking home made lasagna. I'm going to do that very soon, sergeant.

EDIT: Sir, yes sir!
I followed Mario Batali's recipe, shown here, if you'd like to make it. I subbed the veal for beef because I couldn't find any ground veal at the store, or veal of any kind.
I followed Mario Batali's recipe, shown here, if you'd like to make it. I subbed the veal for beef because I couldn't find any ground veal at the store, or veal of any kind.

Thanks for the recipe. Well grinding veal is also a waste if you're not rich. But anyway, you took your time with those spinach things and yeah, it shows!
Here's the only two pictures I took. I'm horrible at remembering to do this.

edit: @Mike I remember eating those cookies, they were pretty damn good. I only had like two though, you destroyed the rest of them, ya greedy bastard.

edit2: That lasagne looks killer, wow.

Self-shot, holler.


Yeaaaaaaahh, lounging brehs.

sounds pretty good! I always add water for whisky

I always try a small amount neat, then with a couple drops of water, and from there potentially on the rocks. A lot of the time it opens up the flavors more, sometimes its needed to mellow it a hint and then other times neat is the only way to roll.
i don't drink whiskey often, but when i do, it's always on the rocks. for me it -has- to be cold and verrry slightly diluted from the ice. i'd never add water to it though.