The pics thread

I don't own a gun. I don't care to own a gun.

The whole point behind having the ability to own these types of weapons isn't for some sort of gun fetishism, but for the ability to overthrow an oppressive government should the need arise. While I don't believe that's anything in the cards right now, having an armed populace is a deterrent from a government becoming oppressive in the first place. If a government has cause to fear its people it will act in the interest of the people.

I'd consider it a much greater injustice for the entire population to be under the thumb of a potential police state than for some of the population to be murdered by the occasional madman. Especially when even with strict gun control one could simply obtain said deadly weapons illegally. You're only affecting law abiding citizens with gun control. Those with a malicious intent will obtain them by other means.
Have you considered the problem with violating doctor/patient confidentiality? Sure, if people with mental health problems are a potential threat, it would be nice if their doctor could blow the whistle. The problem is that over time people will be less likely to seek mental health for fear of being put on something akin to a "no fly list".

I'm all for more education on proper weapons handling etc. But you can't force people into it, and why someone wants a gun is irrelevant. You're talking about pre-crime.
Thing is when you apply for a CPL you lift those restrictions voluntarily in order to get one. If you've ever been on antidepressant medication you're almost instantly disqualified from obtaining one.

I'm not saying we need to ban everyone who has ever taken medication of that sort (for instance my mom was perscribed prozac as it helped regulate some stomach issue she had), but the 'open door' idea I feel should apply.

You 'can't' force people into proper gun education because the system isn't set up that way. Make gun education courses mandatory as well as a firearms competency test before one is able to own guns.
I've suggested treating guns like cars before, as far as requiring insurance (and then insurance companies set things like educational standards to determine rates). Neither side likes this approach. NRA "extremists" don't want any regulation, and private gun ownership haters don't want guns "de-stigmatized", nor having the market handle it instead of the ATF. You know, the agency that handed out guns specifically to be used in murders.
Have any of you seen what passed the New York state Congress? I'm not against guns or anything, but all those things that passed are pretty calm to me. So what if mags went from 10-7? Only thing that sucks about that is you have to sell them out of state within a year, or whenever the Cops MAY show up to your house you will be charged with a misdemeanor.

I always hear these arguments against all this gun legislation but none of you suggest anything else. What do you think the government's responsibility is to the families in Sandy Hook? What if they said, gun control will not stop these mass shootings, there's nothing else to do, what would happen? Let's be realistic here.
Everyone in this thread needs shot for not posting fucking pictures in the pictures thread.

How about some Mila Kunis?

Have any of you seen what passed the New York state Congress? I'm not against guns or anything, but all those things that passed are pretty calm to me. So what if mags went from 10-7? Only thing that sucks about that is you have to sell them out of state within a year, or whenever the Cops MAY show up to your house you will be charged with a misdemeanor.

I always hear these arguments against all this gun legislation but none of you suggest anything else. What do you think the government's responsibility is to the families in Sandy Hook? What if they said, gun control will not stop these mass shootings, there's nothing else to do, what would happen? Let's be realistic here.

Because the standard size for most(if not all) full sized semi-auto handguns is greater than 7, for starters. Secondly, it does absolutely nothing to prevent crime. Pure politics, no progress.

Because the standard size for most(if not all) full sized semi-auto handguns is greater than 7, for starters. Secondly, it does absolutely nothing to prevent crime. Pure politics, no progress.

What would you suggest happen? Mandatory psych evals every year? Nothing will improve this unless we spend tons of money and control the populace. Shit just happens.
There's no reason to own a lot of things, that's a silly argument. It doesn't matter whether there's a reason to own something or not, the point is people should be allowed to own what they want out of principle.

The people who support stricter gun laws and the banning of certain types of guns and silly shit like "extended clips" (as if it's so hard to reload a gun right?) are just wrong and the facts prove it.

I do not believe people should be allowed to own an M16, despite how much they may 'want' to; in reality there's no reason for it beyond that.

Do you really believe that if we get rid of a few types of guns and pass a few minor regulations, that the murder rate is going to skyrocket, or that crime is even going to get worse? The only thing that's going to happen is that less people are going to be slaughtered by the insane. Overall crime rates are not going to be affected by gun control, but that's not why its being proposed - the point is to prevent mass killings, or lessen their occurrence. Instead of focusing on the overall crime rates for other countries, why don't you look at how many mass killings they've had in the past ten years? Here's something to look at:
Mathiäs;10528844 said:
No, he left a shotgun in the car.

Edit: its actually kind of hard to find anything legit about it, but I was under the impression the chief of police said the bushmaster was used the msot.

Initial reports were that handguns were used, and there was a Bushmaster in the car. Then later suddenly they reversed it. A whole lot of discrepancies with the different releases.

Either way, why is 20 people dying at once worse than 20 people dying one at a time in different events? It's the statistical equivalent of "bright and shiny".