The pics thread

So yeah, this is pretty hot.


That shit does nothing for me. I'm heterosexual, you know.
So those reasons aren't universal?

What do you mean? I thought you meant you want the military to have the same restrictions on mags, etc. as regular people will have? I don't see a big deal if the military can have a different set of laws regarding fire arms and stuff.

If you're talking about something else, don't worry about what I said.
What do you mean? I thought you meant you want the military to have the same restrictions on mags, etc. as regular people will have? I don't see a big deal if the military can have a different set of laws regarding fire arms and stuff.

If you're talking about something else, don't worry about what I said.

The military is just comprised of people like you and me. So if people shouldn't have certain things, that should include those in the military, whether in an official or unofficial capacity.

@Psychonaut: Nice AR, but the fore-end grip seems like it would be in the way if you are shooting using the bi-pod.
The military is just comprised of people like you and me. So if people shouldn't have certain things, that should include those in the military, whether in an official or unofficial capacity.

This is true. I'm in the military and I can honestly tell you there are people I'd rather not see owning guns...let alone deploy in the first place. These people are few and far between, but they exist in the U.S. military. Just a couple of years ago, there was a massive search team for these two missing kids, brand new to the service. Turned out that a Security Forces guy bought an AR-15 from our base exchange, and killed his friend in the nearby state park. Then he drove back to his home in Texas where he was apparently in a stand-off with police when he killed himself. I don't know the full story if the guy killed his friend by accident or if it was intentional. Just because we're military doesn't say we're all 100% in the right mind. People still make it through the evaluation process with issues...Plus things can happen to them while they've been in for a while. Look at the Fort Hood shooter a while back...
2nd amendment is for protection. Not hunting, or target shooting, or "having a tiny dick"
for protecting myself and my family from badguys, and incase of a tyranical govt.
It's pretty fucking simple. Bad things will happen to good people. We need a means to protect ourselves and other good people!

and dont tell me that the govt will never lose it's way. It's happened before, and it will happen again.

also, mag capacity means jack squat. Do you know how fast it is to change out a magazine? So I will take my 30 or whatever round magazine. Because I can!

Nice guns, Psycho!!!

Gun politics - Sweden

Gun ownership requires license and is regulated by the weapon law (Vapenlagen 1996:67) further regulations are found in weapon decree (Vapenförordningen 1996:70). The law doesn't ban any specific firearms or weapons, it merely states the requirements to own one. Everything from pepperspray to full-automatic machine guns are technically legal, and license to civilians can be given in 'special' cases. Like the other Nordic countries Sweden has a high rate of gun ownership, due to the popularity of hunting. The gun license is obtained from the Police, and one must be in good standing and at least 18 years old, but exceptions regarding age can be made. To apply one must either be a member in an approved shooting club for at least six months or pass a hunting examination (jägarexamen). The former is mostly used to legally acquire pistols for sport shooting and the latter for hunting rifles. A hunting examination must be passed to actually use a firearm for hunting. One can for instance acquire a shotgun license through a skeet shooting club but may only use it for clay pigeon shooting until an actual hunting examination has been passed. The minimum age for taking an hunting exam is 15 years. A person under 18 years may not own a firearm him- or herself, unless an exception have been made. A person with a gun license may legally under supervision lend his or her gun to a person at least 15 years and older. A person may be granted license to own up to six hunting rifles, ten pistols or a mix of eight rifles and pistols. Owning more firearms than this requires a valid reason. Firearms must be stored in an approved gun safe. Carry-permits are usually only given to armed guards, for civilians it's illegal to carry a firearm around unless between the home and shooting range. Self-defence needs can permit a person to acquire a license in special circumstances. Another reason for gun ownership is collecting. A collector must have a clearly stated demarcation of the interest of the collection. To be a valid interest of collection it must be possible to obtain a complete collection, for example - Pre-World War II British handguns -. A collector may start a second (or more) collection if he or she has collected for several years and shown a great interest in gun history. If the collection holds guns of criminal interest, such as pistols or submachine guns, the police may demand a very high safety level on the keeping of the guns (such as security windows and vault doors). Collectors may also require a time limited permit in order to be allowed to fire their collectibles. Guns can also be owned for affection value or as decoration. If ammunition for the guns are easy available, they have to be rendered inoperable. Owning firearms is viewed as more of a privilege than a right.

good standing means if you get thrown in the drunk tank enough times or get into fights - you aren't fit for gun ownership.

I wonder just why the NRA people are so anti responsible gun ownership.
I don't want a sweden where you can get a grenade launcher in your local convenience store.
2nd amendment is for protection. Not hunting, or target shooting, or "having a tiny dick"
for protecting myself and my family from badguys, and incase of a tyranical govt.
It's pretty fucking simple. Bad things will happen to good people. We need a means to protect ourselves and other good people!

and dont tell me that the govt will never lose it's way. It's happened before, and it will happen again.

also, mag capacity means jack squat. Do you know how fast it is to change out a magazine? So I will take my 30 or whatever round magazine. Because I can!

Nice guns, Psycho!!!

Boy this thread took a massive turn for the worst. Personally, I don't see much of a reason to own a gun aside from them being pretty damn cool and fun to shit, but if people want them I don't really give a shit either. I'm not worried about protecting myself from bad guys. I'm not a fucking hero.
It is such a load of paranoid bullshit that you need to protect yourself from 'bad guys' by carrying something lethal, and I mean even after I was robbed I never thought WOW IF I HAD A GUN THEN...
Guns can make people feel and experience things beyond shooting it. Actually on TV shows have been shown that unique people have guns and all that shit. I think it's all how you percieve it when you see or hear and read something about Gun's.