The pics thread

You know, some of us have to go places where having random TnA flash on your screen is a problem. When it's a random pic once in a while you can just scroll past real fast. Not when it's pic after pic. Need a NSFW thread or something for this stuff (yes, even the non-full-nude)
You know, some of us have to go places where having random TnA flash on your screen is a problem. When it's a random pic once in a while you can just scroll past real fast. Not when it's pic after pic. Need a NSFW thread or something for this stuff (yes, even the non-full-nude)

Make one then queernugget :)
ما نكح



Who is this?
Despite being no stranger to such words, you're an idiot if you don't think they carry great weight and negative power behind them.
Despite being no stranger to such words, you're an idiot if you don't think they carry great weight and negative power behind them.

None of you imbeciles can offend me in any way, to see you try is fucking hilarious though so keep it up!

Sometimes i'm not even sure what you guys mean by "faggot", are you implying i'm acting in a certain way that you don't find natural, or are you saying i'm homosexual?

no, they're are men .. ones who just happen to be sick in the head. Gender is not something that people have the option of choosing.

The bold I agree with, the non-bold is patently fucking wrong in a way only a hateful asshole could think.

Sure, you cannot change your biological sex. That much is obvious. You are born with bait and tackle or a fishing net and you have no choice in the matter.

HOWEVER, you are also born with a gender identity that either aligns with your sex or not - this is also not of your choosing. This means child may be born male, but as their gender identity starts to materialize they can find they do not identify as what they were born. They have the wrong tool set so to speak - they had something that caused their body to be male, but their mind to be that of a woman's.

I deliberately choose to refer to terms regarding their sex with male/female and gender as man/woman fwiw because they're completely different