The pics thread

Stella is one of those beers like Killian's and Heineken where a lot of people drink it and for some reason think they're having something high class.
Who drinks any of those beers and thinks it's classy? Heineken is easily the worst beer on the market that isnt gluten free or like, Milwaukee BEAST
Stella Artois is the Budweiser of Belgium. Drink a Boston Lager, then drink a Bud. It's the same degree of difference when drinking a Duvel then a Stella. Based on those analogies, you may see that Stella is a quality beer.
Mort and SomeGuyDude seem to be the only ones in this discussion with their heads screwed on straight. no surprise that a metal forum has such shitty discussion for topics as progressive as transgenderism.

+1 for this dude

BTW. Stella in the US does not come from Belgium.

Edit-->So yeah, I pulled a stupid/EffigyForgotten mistake and made my comment before I read the other posts, but whatever. Yolo.
I'll dress like a girl if there's a good reason for it, but losing my pewpew is another matter. I have no idea what serious justifications exist for a sex change.
zabu of nΩd;10603572 said:
I'll dress like a girl if there's a good reason for it, but losing my pewpew is another matter. I have no idea what serious justifications exist for a sex change.

I really don't understand it either. Not to say that I'm like "fuck those dudes who get sex changes," but I just don't get it myself.
I really don't understand it either. Not to say that I'm like "fuck those dudes who get sex changes," but I just don't get it myself.

Me neither. I can't put my head in theirs and understand that kinda gender identity agony. But then again, that's why it's their call and not mine. I figure you should do what makes you happy, and as long as it doesn't hurt me, what fucking business is it of mine?
Me neither. I can't put my head in theirs and understand that kinda gender identity agony. But then again, that's why it's their call and not mine. I figure you should do what makes you happy, and as long as it doesn't hurt me, what fucking business is it of mine?

+1 cool points. Having genuine discussion about the nature of transgenderism, the multi-faceted nature of sexuality, and all that liberal arts grad study stuff can lead to nothing but a better picture of what it means to be a human, but making normative claims about harmless personal preferences is fundamentally moronic and you're kind of a disgusting asshole if you do so.

I think it was Mort that mentioned the negative power of words like "faggot", "my pals", etc. on the previous page, but I was a bit taken aback by the inclusion of "cunt". I've always felt like that exists in some less egregious class of offensive words than words like "my pals" or "faggot", though that might be due to my ignorance of the word's history and etymology.
The worst beer in the world is Carling, second worst is Carlsberg. Staropramen is the best larger. By far. Second is either Pilsner or Kronenberg.