The pics thread


no, they're are men .. ones who just happen to be sick in the head. Gender is not something that people have the option of choosing.

You're right. That's the shame of it. People are often born with all the traits of one gender except which set of soft parts dangle between their legs.

If you think people just sit around and go "Hey I'm bored being a dude, think I'll spend shitloads of money and go through the societal suicide plus physical pain and mental stress of turning into a chick" then you're fucking retarded.
Mort doesn't believe in genderfluidity? How quaint.

I was simplifying the idea of gender for the sake of this particular situation.

I don't believe one chooses their gender identity though, but if they have no specific gender they identify with or identify with multiple enough where they can't be classified as just one then obviously it isn't as simple as I made it to deal with him.

I've already argued that gender isn't a simple binary system. There isn't just MALE and FEMALE there are all kinds of levels in between as well as outside and around
I think Pat would call gender an "emergent phenomena". I also think it's on the level of importance as pet rocks. We primarily identify our "gender" through levels of consumerism. The more genderfluidity is pushed, this opens up new market sections to new products. And of course, since it's fluid (and we want to constantly represent said fluidity of course), we will constantly have to keep redefining ourselves superficially through all the new items which let people know our state of fluidity. And in all that, who has time to worry their heads about important things in life? Must be in touch with my gender. But it's ok. The corporations, whether business or "civic", will take care of you. Trust them.

Congratulations. You are working for "the man".
You really have a warped perception of what is important if you think something that is intrinsically HUMAN is of little importance.
Here are some of the very limited number of meals that I know how to make. Sorry one of them is of leftovers, the first picture I took didn't work for some reason.


Mort and SomeGuyDude seem to be the only ones in this discussion with their heads screwed on straight. no surprise that a metal forum has such shitty discussion for topics as progressive as transgenderism.
Here are some of the very limited number of meals that I know how to make. Sorry one of them is of leftovers, the first picture I took didn't work for some reason.



Didn't realize they had Stella Artois in cans. Yesterday I found one of those Stella glasses in a local market for only $2. I feel professional now.
HOWEVER, you are also born with a gender identity that either aligns with your sex or not - this is also not of your choosing. This means child may be born male, but as their gender identity starts to materialize they can find they do not identify as what they were born.

No one is born with a gender identity; no one is born with an identity at all. Identity is something constituted, not constitutive, because identity specifically is something that evolves out of the way we represent ourselves and the world around us. At birth, no one has any representational faculties.

That said, there's nothing deterministic about behavior; that is, being raised a certain way doesn't mean you will definitely be homosexual. Sexuality is fluid, and can change at whim, which is why it's impossible to trace it back to an original identity. Sexuality is entirely contingent, and no sexual preference or libidinal investment is more objectively valuable or "better" than any other.

I think Pat would call gender an "emergent phenomena". I also think it's on the level of importance as pet rocks. We primarily identify our "gender" through levels of consumerism.

I wouldn't call it "a phenomena" since that word is plural. :cool:

Furthermore, it all has to do with whether you buy into emergence; as of right now, I find it to be a persuasive explanation. However, it really only provides an epistemological explanation (how?), not on ontological one (why?). It remains to be shown whether emergence is merely a way in which complex systems appear to us, or whether it actually affects the supra-sensory world (i.e. noumenal reality).

Aside from that, emergence is nuanced. Sexuality might be an emergent phenomenon, but that doesn't mean it's not real. All it means is that it can't be traced to an original essence, which is my point above. So, in that regard, you might call it emergent.

I'm going to end my rant there and look more at the pretty pictures.
Stella is just called stella colloquially here, has been in cans as long as anyone can remember and is otherwise known as wifebeater.
Let's fuck up every thread with stupid debates. That being said, sometimes I watch porn with trannies fucking females.
Stella is probably one of the worst beers to come out of Belgium, but that says just as much about the high quality of Belgian beer as anything else.