The pics thread

haha thanks, here's one from the bar a couple months ago

Nice beard, man. I want a fuckin beard that long :kickass:
At the pub last night. This guy sat like this for some time before GG went and alerted him to the fact that his hairy arse was on show to the rest of the beer garden. He actually had no idea. WHAT THE HELL

The hair on my head grows alot faster than on my face


mechanically, the beard should be growing a hell of a lot faster than the scalp hair

maybe you need to see a doctor, you might have some sort of serious hormone imbalance

i could grow a beard that long in maybe just a month or 2
but i'm not going to
The girl with the nice butt, my friend is friends with her. She's a clothing designer for extreme metal from Canada. She's designed clothes for Behemoth, Tyr and many other "big bands" to wear on stage and she also sells them but that shit is expensive as fuck. Toxic Vision is her brand, seems like a cool chick, and her body is amazing. I was going to "coincidentally" meet her today because who doesn't want a picture with that awesome body (she was in NY for a fashion show or something) but she went back to Canada :[[ boooo.

mechanically, the beard should be growing a hell of a lot faster than the scalp hair

maybe you need to see a doctor, you might have some sort of serious hormone imbalance

i could grow a beard that long in maybe just a month or 2
but i'm not going to

There is two things wrong within each statement you made here. This post has been certified as 100% m_c.