The pics thread

Thanks! yep Adirondacks, Crane Mtn. It was snowy but still 70+ F out so made for some interesting slip and sliding in the shaded parts. And the newts were out in FULL FORCE - not afraid of people at all, we stuck our hands in puddles and ponds and they came right up and nibbled at them <333333

The goslings and giant dandelion were from Five Rivers preserve near Albany.

Also FWIW can anyone ID this bird? It was perched on a log in the middle of a pond surrounded completely by purple martins and barn swallows. Blah quality, this is 80x digital zoom on a windy day


Also, frog (I foot modeled off Craigslist once as a desperate ploy for spending money when I was younger and dated a guy with a foot fetish that wound up being a dealbreaker, that shit turns my stomach)

Yeah ol' Freud thought absolutely everything was tied into sex. I think that's why it's not used much these days, LOL.

He'd definitely be one of those people who thinks that touching or sucking on anything remotely phallic indicates homosexual urges. I have a feeling that's why there's a whole generation who can't seem to accept that a cigar is just a cigar.
Kafka put it best ... feet fetishes = :puke:

oh, i'm sure a random foot fetishist would be disgusted by something that turns you on

Isn't sucking toes pretty close to sucking DICK? Therefore making you bi-curious?

no, not really
when most foot fetishists suck female's toes they can smell/taste the post-puberty gender-identifying foot-pheromone

so sucking toes wouldn't make you gay unless you were sucking a guy's toes
and ofcourse a guy getting his toes sucked is extremely rare
gay guys don't have a foot fetish as much as straight guys
foot fetishism is really common among straight guys but it's pretty rare in the gay comunity
and women with a "foot fetish" aren't sexually atracted to someone else's feet
"women with a foot fetish" are women who get turned on when someone touches their feet,
there are women that even reach orgasm in the shop when they get pedicures,
and ofcourse the existence of these women is the explination of why women's feet make men's dicks get hard

Everyone's got their kinks. Can't really control what gives you a boner, can ya?

ofcourse not

Wasn't that the point of Freudian psychology?

Yeah ol' Freud thought absolutely everything was tied into sex. I think that's why it's not used much these days, LOL.

He'd definitely be one of those people who thinks that touching or sucking on anything remotely phallic indicates homosexual urges. I have a feeling that's why there's a whole generation who can't seem to accept that a cigar is just a cigar.
you 2 realize Freud was crazy, right?? he was completely wrong on so many different things that there's even a college psych class all about how wrong Freud was

I know what you mean! When I'm sucking a dick, I definitely don't feel like a stoner.


Effigy and AllShallFall remind me of myself when I was a teenager on this board.
Effigy and AllShallFall are teenagers!?!?
well, that explains alot

Nothing like having a muddy dick in your mouth