The pics thread

Pics of the Millard House and Studio by Frank Lloyd Wright, located in Pasadena, CA. It's for sale for several years, which is why it's so overgrown, but I actually think it looks better that way.



I feel old because at 22 I haven't achieved a great deal. I still live with my parents and don't have a job.
Hobbit feet might attract attention away from those cankles!

That said my legs look like sinewy chicken drumsticks covered in hair so who am I to judge. It's so weird eating chicken drumsticks and seeing parallels to my own legs...
This always confuses me.

Guys who feel old and just resent younger people on principle tend to take a "well you're young so that means you're stupid about everything" approach. Get in an argument and they'll dismiss what you say based on age. It's adorable, really.
tbh i "felt old" on my 21st birthday

everyone i'd ever met started drinking at 14 and i had suddenly become old enough to buy it

i also feel old because i was hanging out with all the pregnant girls in highschool, i remember changing the diapers of kids that are now teenagers and i feel old because their mothers are all a couple years younger than me and i'm still childless
I feel old because at 22 I haven't achieved a great deal. I still live with my parents and don't have a job.

I live with my mother too and I'm the same age. Today I helped her with shopping and cleaned up some of the mess in the kitchen. Now I will steal her money and get drunk. What a symbiosis. You think you could achieve this by living with some russian whore? Forget that.
I live with my mother too and I'm the same age. Today I helped her with shopping and cleaned up some of the mess in the kitchen. Now I will steal her money and get drunk. What a symbiosis. You think you could achieve this by living with some russian whore? Forget that.

I know it's a big part of Czech culture to hate Russians and I know there are some very skanky Russian women, but really, there isn't a massive difference in terms of how conservative Czech or Russian women are when it comes to sex. The only way that one of them is really conservative is that Russian women are used to missionary and blowjob, other stuff confuses the hell out of them. Czech girls are crazy and really love English accents for some reason. There are some full on dumbass barbie Russians that have cultural deficiencies, but the girl I dated was some wavy haired brunette who listened to jazz and liked horse racing. No massive fake boobs and puffed up lips etc.

Pics of your mum? :p