The pics thread

Lady killin'


May we have some context for this picture?
I lowered my wagon a tad and put different wheels on it. Still needs to go lower I think, but I feel extremely cool when driving it and that's the main thing.



I adore your wagon. It would look like an old funeral car if it was black though.
Heres the hawk from yesterday:


So after plucking the feathers, gutting, skinning and burying the parts I want bones from, I am trying my first attempt at trying to preserve the head, talons and wings by soaking them in cornmeal.

After about a month of sitting in here, if all went to plan, they should preserve nicely :)


Hmmm, cornmeal eh? Never tried that before. I preserve my bones by ripping what I can off then going through a few seperate peroxide baths. I'll have to look into that.

And dude, aint it times like this you wish you were a taxidermist? I know I do, looking at that awesome bird. At least to preserve the whole head and do other stuff with what's left.
I do gotta say my method is a lot faster and the results are natural looking yet clean, how I personally like them. But most of my 'specimen' are pretty clean to start with, not huge chunks to worry about.
Well, for the bones, I buried the parts I wanted bones from. The cornmeal was to preserve the parts like the head, wings and talons. Not sure if itll work, but the worst case scenario if it goes south is Ill bury these and just have some more bones to work with.

And yes, I totally wish I was a taxidermist. This shit wouldve been epic to preserve whole.
Yeah right on. Post on here when everythings all cleaned up dude! I dig that shit. And I remember you expressed interest in my exploits as well, nothing so ambitious as the chandelier I had in mind but I got a little artistic haha


Think I'm gonna call him 'the Futile Friar'