The pics thread

Her cheekbones are too large for my liking, but I'd still bang her.

What happened're almost a "cute kid" here...and fuckin goblin.

No even in this picture there's something peculiar suggesting things wouldn't go well from then on, both physically and mentally. That picture is like the seed of all that we can now observe in the jar of our world, as big as it might seem with all the faggotry Butt has drawn to his far from geometrical orbit of influence. The buttgenesis certainly took a grandiose turn sometime after that shot was taken while .e wha maybe there's like afa at the fuck

Fuck you butt.
Am I the only one that clicks shit in people's sigs?

Yeah, i've been posting here for over two years or something like that. Lastfm pic is old, but it's ambiguous/blurry enough to be androgynous I guess. It's cool… my mom always said i think like a man. Apparently, i type like one too.

Carpe, you're a rad ass chick and hella hot. i could totally see us being friends. Don't let anyone tell ya any different :p especially (like you said) when there's literally no similarities besides us both being chicks with dicks ;).

Anyways, thanks guys. <3
Don't get me wrong, Carpe has some nice womens features, but if she's gonna bring skulls and shit to bed, we will have issues.
I've never met a person that could function well in life while maintaining both an avid love for pizza and a skull fetish.
I will extol the virtues of Funerary Doom forever of my time on this forum, because she blows those mystery cunts who just showed up out of the water in looks and coolness. We def gotta stop the lovey girl talk though because I think we're both losing an inch off our dicks with every compliment haha.

Anyways, luckily I found a dude who thinks my obsession with all dead stuff is hot, and has been mine for about three years. Or he just deals with it and pretends its hot for my benefit, not sure. Either way, it's both a metaphorical and aesthetic obsession, not just a clever screen name.
Also I don't function well in life, I have to join multiple web forums to talk about shit nobody I know is interested in hearing about. Figure a bunch of metal heads would be a little more accepting.

But school and work are going good :)
Totally different looks, dude. Can't be jealous of a smoking hot steampunk black chick when I consider myself a smoking hot creepy white girl. Apples n oranges.

Speaking of hot chicks.... Angelina Jolie? I've found women think she's attractive and men don't. I'd get so gay with that. Gay married.

Oh my god I watched so many crappy Angelina Jolie movies just to ogle at her as a teenager. And there was usually a topless lesbian scene thrown somewhere in there :popcorn: But no doubt, she's damn sexy.
I will extol the virtues of Funerary Doom forever of my time on this forum, because she blows those mystery cunts who just showed up out of the water in looks and coolness. We def gotta stop the lovey girl talk though because I think we're both losing an inch off our dicks with every compliment haha.

Anyways, luckily I found a dude who thinks my obsession with all dead stuff is hot, and has been mine for about three years. Or he just deals with it and pretends its hot for my benefit, not sure. Either way, it's both a metaphorical and aesthetic obsession, not just a clever screen name.

awe<3<3 Ok, ill stop because i can literally go back and forth with this too :lol: even though tempted to say another gay comment.

cheers to finding a dude that accepts you, though. personally, i've always found people into things that are a little different way more interesting, open-minded, and all around easier people to get along with.

angelina jolie is definitely hot. i don't see the problem. at all. aren't cheekbones a thing for people?

Edit: SG looking sharp. random question but are you Italian?
Oh my god I watched so many crappy Angelina Jolie movies just to ogle at her as a teenager. And there was usually a topless lesbian scene thrown somewhere in there :popcorn: But no doubt, she's damn sexy.

Man you gotta check out Gia if you haven't, it's about some model that existed in real life at some point. Excellent movie, lots of lesbian nudity.
Yeah FD I agree with them being more interesting, problem is I like talking about the shit I like and getting hyped about it with other like minded people haha. I fuckin love getting hyped about stuff.