The pics thread

Work has been crazy lately. We were short on help before and just recently had a pharmacy tech walk out on us. Overtime the past two weeks, CVS has been my life. Can't wait for the next semester, so I can have an excuse to not work so much.

My pharmacist in charge hates it when we let drugs pile up, so we sent this to him on his day off. The last hour of the day for the past few weeks has been a spree of counting by fives as quickly as possible to knock out a hundred scripts so that the next day isn't terrible. The first of the year blows because everybody's insurance turns over. MS Paint was used to avoid any HIPPA conflicts.



Better. Still too many gay colored foods on those burgers. They need to be topped with cheese sauce, chili, and any other rancid concoction out there.

Also, that's super gay of you to MS Paint edit your picture. I mean, MS Paint rules, but never edit. Just get fired.
What little painting I've done on my 1200 point Tyranid army. I got about 10 models painted out of 50, been playing almost two years now and it took me this long to settle on a paint scheme haha. If you're not into 40k basically these dudes eat everyone and nobody knows shit about where they come from. Leaves the floor wiiiiiide open for schemes.

I was thinkin about calling them Hive Fleet Metallica, but its too obvious. Suggestions?

Those are pretty retarded seeing as crucifixion is meant to put the victim is a lot of discomfort while they die.
I don't get the EPA one unless it's nothing more than an environmental consciousness statement. Not that the other ones are remotely funny, but at least I understand what they're attempting.
I'll admit I'd bite this chocolate if I was single. Damn, voodoo.
Papa Legba, more like pop a leg up.
