The pics thread

If my man and I are ever not broke asses I'd def wanna check that festival out. As it were we are basically limited to Detroit shows and don't get out much.

Why were there so many metal concerts in Detroit in the 80s? Did the last bus load of white people leave in 1990 or something?





Why were there so many metal concerts in Detroit in the 80s? Did the last bus load of white people leave in 1990 or something?

Yeah I know dude, I hear about it all the time.

I think the scene will rise again after this dubstep craze, however long that's gonna take. I'm noticing more people who straight up don't listen to metal actually being familiar with subgenres, that's kinda true shit.
Ditto on Carpe. She's hot. <3

Edit: i wanna see the leather and camo pikturz!

I can't get over how adorable Hamburger Boy was. What happened? Lol jk. I actually never seen a pic of him before. But really, what happened.

WHAT UP CARPE! Feel free to not answer but where in Detroit area are you? My mom grew up in the city of Detroit and my dad has lots of family in Monroe/Flat Rock.
Outskirts, 8 mile and little mack. I'm sure you won't come find me haha. Nice area really, if you're not a racist. I tell some people where I'm from, they hear 8 mile and think I must be a criminal or something. They suddenly act differently, for better or worse.

I will say Jefferson has a clear dividing line, and its hilarious. Goes from nice houses and apartments, to BOOM 5 feet further you got crack addicts and grafitti in an abandoned building.
Can you please change your avatar? I can find not a single redeeming feature associated with it whatsoever. It is annoying, and makes me find your posts annoying automatically. Is this how you like your fellow metal enthusiast brethren to feel? I didn't think so. So please change it.