The pics thread

At least admit that you just like the picture. Specific meaning my ass.

Yes, I do like the pictures, but its not the SOLE reason why I chose to have it tattooed on me.

This weekend might be the first time Im getting something tattooed on me, mainly because of an aesthetic quality. Im starting to get cold feet because this notion is foreign to me.

That didn't make any sense. Why would his big black cock ass tattoo have anything to do with me?

Im actually getting my backpiece extended down my legs, and we start tattooing my butt Tuesday. Unfortunately, it will not be a big black cock. It will be black though. So now I could finally say, "kiss my black ass".

(See Onder, specific sentimental meaning.)
Tattoos are dumb and the justifications are dumb.

Excuses are like assholes. Everybody's got one.

And they stink.

Unless you're a really pretty gal that takes good care of her asshole. In which case, you still have an asshole, which is like an excuse, but at least it doesn't leave a bad taste in your mouth, like most of the excuses we see here.
Im not trying to proove shit with my tattoos, but know plenty of people that are. I know of a lot of women, personally, and I blame Suicide Girls.

But seriously, not every heavily tattooed individual is not trying to proove shit or hide behind their tattoos.
With me, all of my tattoos have a specific meaning. (Yes im gonna get cliche for a moment) They are memories and images that im constantly reminded of marking a certain time in my life.

Now I never got anything done for the thought of, "Oh, that would look cool". Yes, I wanted them done by a good artist, so they came out well, because fuck if Im gonna carry it around might as well have it look good...

But what the fuck do I know? Im just a slack jawed yokel.

I think the looking good part could easily be for yourself, without being shallow. Take my labret piercing for instance, despite the fact it was probably way cheaper and can way more easily be removed. I just plain like how it looks on me. I have smaller lips, so having a little stud underneath accentuates them a bit. Idk man, I just plain dig it. And it's fun to squirt water out of the hole.

And as for tats, I don't think anybody with any is trying to prove anything, except maybe an expression of their interests. And what's wrong with that? I mean fuck we wear t-shirts and clothes that express ourselves, using our own bodies isn't really any different except for the permanence and enhanced customization. With Jimmy's way of thinking, he'd expect everyone to wear plain black shirts and plain black pants and talk about themselves instead of expressing it. Which I disagree with.

Of course, if you got a dude getting Cthlulu tattooed on him who doesn't even know what Vhoorl is... yeah he's a tool, trying to look cool.
Narcissism meets medievalism.


And yes, I'm aware that the sign of benediction and the peace sign are two different things.
Classy get-up you got there! Is older Indian artwork considered medieval though? I thought that applied to only European things.
I am living proof of this.

Just a douchebag hiding behind tattoos. Anyone who has met me can testify it to be true.

I didn't say I was right or wrong here. All I said was I can't help but think this about people with tats.
Jimmy, go back to reducing women to numbers.

I reduce looks to numbers, not people. I've ssid plenty of times this rating system does not take personality or character/virtues into account. Get it through your fucking head.

Jimmy sees the negtive in everything. You guys shoul know that by now.

This is correct and I love you.
Tattoos are dumb and the justifications are dumb.
