The pics thread

Says who now? I've been living in Arkansas for 10 years as a kid, I know what authentic is.
lol! Good point!
I've been living in USSR for 6 years I know what authentic is too! Plus I work with food and kitchenware styling. In my own kitchen I prefer closets cuz I hate shit being messed around. But open shelves look more "granny-cozy-homelike" :p
But open shelves look more "granny-cozy-homelike" :p

Open shelves can be tricky though, you don't want those pans and food reserves to be out there for everyone to see now do you? Where do you draw the line between objects that should be standing there and prohibited ones?
Indeed. Thats what I said in my previous post - I prefer my kitched (same as bathroom) to be wit closets so you hide all your crap inside, because it doesn't always looks tidy and because of dust that gets everywhere.
Yet just for looks if you make those shelves tidy - it looks pretty nice and old school in a good way. I still prefer the practical option for myself though.
My actual name is Christopher and my middle name is Cody. Some people call me Chris and some Cody. It really depends on who it is.
Alina thinks the USSR still exists. Now we know she's just another brainless hot chick.
Um... I was born when USSR still existed and after 6 it was done.
So if I were you I'd check the history first. Ah wait.. did i say 'history'? I forgot americans don't know this word.
Um... I was born when USSR still existed and after 6 it was done.
So if I were you I'd check the history first. Ah wait.. did i say 'history'? I forgot americans don't know this word.

"I've been living" means a different thing than "I once lived". Learn to English before you use a forum like this, bimbo.
Bimbo is your right hand. Unless you're a left-handed.

Now listen... I was born in USSR and lived there until it was destroyed (in 6 years) and after I was still living in the same country but there was no more USSR. Now which the fuck party exactly you don't understand here?
Bimbo is your right hand. Unless you're a left-handed.

Now listen... I was born in USSR and lived there until it was destroyed (in 6 years) and after I was still living in the same country but there was no more USSR. Now what the fuck you don't understand here?

"I've been living in the USSR for 6 years", in our wonderful English language, means that, for the last 6 years, you've been living in the USSR. Given that the USSR hasn't existed for any of the last 6 years, I found this to be an odd statement (though it's not the only instance in which you've had a shitty attitude on this forum but been worshipped nevertheless for having decent facial features).

I can link you some helpful tutorials in regards to learning English later, but I'd rather not for the time being, k?
It's really nothing personal, Neurotica. I disliked attractive women that get a free pass to be total bitches long before you.