The pics thread

I got dem cutesie dimples.


'sup mang. how you doin'?

Butt: i've never seen dimples on you!

Foccacia bread is the business. Dimples for dayz.

Ha there's definitely got to be a breeze. Humid hot is just sticky and gross. But regular hot with a breeze-- perfect!

Honestly i just don't like being all bundled up with a ton of clothes. i just want to walk out of the house in fucking flip flops with not much shit on my neck and not feeling like an overfloated ballon and be alright.
Those are sweet, Carpe!

Best weather is between 65-85, over 80 is only acceptable if there's a pool or shade readily accessible.
i used to live in switzerland and like it cold as fuck, i hate california weather
or a cool breeze

As long as it's not sandy. Fuck sandstone sand.


Fishing forever